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Can I Report & to Whom if I Can?

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  • Can I Report & to Whom if I Can?

    Please excuse typing - surgery on right hand today making it hard to type.
    Anyway ---
    Problems I have seen since employed at a licensed day care:

    1) Worker has a substantiated CPS report. Her kids were taken, she no longer has custody of them. No clue why..but my knowledge says if you have CPS record you can not wrok at a day care. Right or wrong?

    2) Many times an extra 2 or 3 year old will be sent to the 1yr old room. Ok or not?

    3) Worker posted pics of kids in class on facebook, director told, pics were deleted but teacher was not written up, etc.

    4) Teacher made false claims on a child regarding a situation that never happened on a day the teacher was not even at work. Assistant told director of situation but was not believed.

    5) Assistant teacher has been know to spray water in kids face when they are not listening...1 yr old class.

    6) Employees can accumulate 8pts before being fired. A couple workers have 10-12 pts and still working while others with 8 get fired.

    7) outdoor play equip has rusty screws, and some metal parts like rails, guards, etc.

    8) Cots broken, not being replaced, child still sleeping on them.

    9) Child has meds prescribed by own parent, doc statements by own parent....being allowed

    10) Not sure if breaks are required in Indiana. But no 10-15 min breaks during day, only lunch hour given and many times those are taken from us and replaced with mandantory meetings. I dont know about anyone else but when you have 10 one year really need that break to relax.

    Of all this so far what is reportable and to who in Indiana?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Please excuse typing - surgery on right hand today making it hard to type.
    Anyway ---
    Problems I have seen since employed at a licensed day care:

    1) Worker has a substantiated CPS report. Her kids were taken, she no longer has custody of them. No clue why..but my knowledge says if you have CPS record you can not wrok at a day care. Right or wrong?

    2) Many times an extra 2 or 3 year old will be sent to the 1yr old room. Ok or not?

    3) Worker posted pics of kids in class on facebook, director told, pics were deleted but teacher was not written up, etc.

    4) Teacher made false claims on a child regarding a situation that never happened on a day the teacher was not even at work. Assistant told director of situation but was not believed.

    5) Assistant teacher has been know to spray water in kids face when they are not listening...1 yr old class.

    6) Employees can accumulate 8pts before being fired. A couple workers have 10-12 pts and still working while others with 8 get fired.

    7) outdoor play equip has rusty screws, and some metal parts like rails, guards, etc.

    8) Cots broken, not being replaced, child still sleeping on them.

    9) Child has meds prescribed by own parent, doc statements by own parent....being allowed

    10) Not sure if breaks are required in Indiana. But no 10-15 min breaks during day, only lunch hour given and many times those are taken from us and replaced with mandantory meetings. I dont know about anyone else but when you have 10 one year really need that break to relax.

    Of all this so far what is reportable and to who in Indiana?
    Here are my opinions:

    1. Licensing is so screwy I don’t have a clear answer for you. My former center was full of crooks (mainly theft) and yet they were able to be hired or still employed. I think because it doesn’t have to do to with abuse of any kind of children that is why they were able to work in a center. Being that I don’t know the cause as to why the children were taking away, again I can’t give you a clear answer.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Please excuse typing - surgery on right hand today making it hard to type.
      Anyway ---
      Problems I have seen since employed at a licensed day care:

      1) Worker has a substantiated CPS report. Her kids were taken, she no longer has custody of them. No clue why..but my knowledge says if you have CPS record you can not wrok at a day care. Right or wrong?
      I would think that would be grounds for suspension until the matter is resolved, and if it comes out badly, termination.

      2) Many times an extra 2 or 3 year old will be sent to the 1yr old room. Ok or not?
      That depends on how their licensed age groups are graduated.....could be they are allowed to have 20 kids under the age of 3, of which not more than 10 may be under the age of 20 3 year olds is OK (insanity, yes, but legal).

      3) Worker posted pics of kids in class on facebook, director told, pics were deleted but teacher was not written up, etc.
      Is this is a violation of their licensing? If not, then there is nothing to report. That is an internal employee-employer conflict that was resolved.

      4) Teacher made false claims on a child regarding a situation that never happened on a day the teacher was not even at work. Assistant told director of situation but was not believed.
      Sounds like an internal employee problem-once again, is this a violation of their license?

      5) Assistant teacher has been know to spray water in kids face when they are not listening...1 yr old class.
      That might have legs.......1 yr olds have the attention span of a fruit fly, but turning the hose on them doesn't solve the problem.

      6) Employees can accumulate 8pts before being fired. A couple workers have 10-12 pts and still working while others with 8 get fired.
      Once again, what violation of their center's license is this? This "point" system sounds like an internal write-up policy within the company.

      Getting written up for being late for does that affect the safety of the kids?

      7) outdoor play equip has rusty screws, and some metal parts like rails, guards, etc.
      That should be addressed-sharp metal items with rust isn't good, but if it's a railing with rust present, whoop-dee-doo, as long as it's not in danger of collapsing.

      8) Cots broken, not being replaced, child still sleeping on them.
      That's not kosher.

      9) Child has meds prescribed by own parent, doc statements by own parent....being allowed
      Is it the responsibility of the daycare center's license parameters to research the validity of the prescribing MD's credentials?

      I would think that if the parent is an MD, their kid is probably getting better medical care and concern than most every other kid out there.....remember, MD's see EVERYONE's kids and what works and what doesn't and the side effects thereof.

      10) Not sure if breaks are required in Indiana. But no 10-15 min breaks during day, only lunch hour given and many times those are taken from us and replaced with mandantory meetings. I dont know about anyone else but when you have 10 one year really need that break to relax.
      That would be something to talk to your department of labor about, not the DC licensing board.
      Spouse of a daycare provider....which I guess makes me one too!


      • #4
        When and if you do report to your state, NEVER give your real name. They DC can and WILL find out who reported them.

        Good luck


        • #5
          Be Careful

          Most of that info is reportable to the lisencing office. Some is HR related.

          HOWEVER, be very careful. I once reported an agency that I worked for. Because I reported it, my name came up on reports for CPS. Basically I was listed as under investigation as well because the director denied the allegations.

          This hurt my chances of finding another job. Eventually the case was closed and I was obviously cleared but I had been fired before my name was cleared and I could not find another job. Don't give your name.

