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Santa in Daycare

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  • Santa in Daycare

    I was informed that my son's daycare will be having Santa come and if I did not want to have my son participate in it I will have to (keep my son home). I was informed that this daycare does not ask or preach religion.

    I am a Christian but I think, that Santa Clause is no good. It is a way to keep my child from following my Lord and Savior. If you read Revelations you will see a discription of my Lord, and to me he is taken by man and made into this jolly old fat man.

    I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: . . . Daniel 7:9

    Someone once said "Jesus Christ is nothing but a Santa Claus for adults."

    The christmas tree is forbbiden in Jeremiah 10:2-4: "Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not." (KJV).

    They will not teach my son about God since it is a religion at this daycare, but they will teach their pagan religion to my son. Someone please explain it to me.
    Last edited by Michael; 10-24-2007, 11:47 AM.

  • #2
    Santa Claus in Daycare edited this original thread which was too large. We believe a smaller post would have been sufficient. If the original writer would like to include a link to a more thorough page or website on this subject we would gladly place the link within the body of this thread.


    • #3
      santa in daycare

      Get a grip and let your child enjoy santa. There is no reason that this can be construde as in anyway harmful to your child. If you do not want your child to enjoy any harmless fantasy in their life you would need to completly remove them from society. I am sure your child is an intellegent individual and will continue to become so if left to lead the normal life of child without too many constraints. Let your child enjoy the childhood. Try not to be so constricting. Your child does not understand at this age you veiw and when age appropriate can be explained at more depth. Let them have wonderful childhood memories, because children do have memories and will grow up as adults with choices you may do more harm than good, loosen up................


      • #4
        Originally posted by michael edited this original thread which was too large. We believe a smaller post would have been sufficient. If the original writer would like to include a link to a more thorough page or website on this subject we would gladly place the link within the body of this thread.
        amen michael
        Jooles (a christian woman)


        • #5
          If you don't like it then keep your kid home. Some kids have it pretty rough and then Santa comes and for one night they have a very precious gift which is hope! I do think it is sad that kids know more about Santa than our maker but at least they get to believe in somebody when there is nobody else. This is not a seperation of Church and State matter since as far as I know my local government does not provide childcare, I wish! Well, if you don't like it get ready for School because then they might be subjected to the evil easter bunny or god forbid Cupid! He might shoot that arrow!


          • #6
            Santa in daycare

            I'm thinking you should find a different provider then. Not that she is wrong, nor you. You have to be comfortable in "ALL" her teachings-not just Santa-this should of been asked before you entered the child in her care, or she should have that in her contract. Do you believe in the Easter Bunny? Leprechauns? New Years Baby? Some things to think about-I, too, am a Christian, and a provider, I too, do not teach beliefs-however I am a good role model in being a good person, friend, teacher, mother, daughter, sister, and show this to the children-and I do have the Easter Bunny, Leprechauns, New Years Baby and Santa part of my daycare-at Christmas-I teach more about "family" than anything-I do not push Santa-does this all make sense-I feel for you-but neither of you are doing anything wrong-just a difference of opinion-maybe you can seek out a religious daycare- :-) OK? Good luck!


            • #7

              How many more things do we have to give up?! I've got news for you, your child is going to grow up and choose their own path no matter how you try to raise them so let them enjoy everything. How could anything be wrong with Santa?! Now stores aren't even referring to Christmas either?! I think if you dont believe in something then turn you head the other way and let those who do enjoy it!

              I dont even know what else to say, I am so upset with this garbage and "Christians" seem to be the worst of all!!! I had so-called Christian friends that I quickly got away from when I realized what garbage they were, he hits his wife and screams at his kids as well as his employee (me) who ran away terrified of him while I was 6 weeks pregnant. Some "Christians" they were.
              Last edited by Michael; 11-22-2008, 01:37 PM.


              • #8
                take him out.....

                if this 'santa' visit was in your contract - then just take him out - or go to another daycare -------why make a big deal about it. And, save us the bible preaching-----because I am sure you have your own 'issues' too and aren't bible perfect.


                • #9
                  some food for thought

                  the facility is NOT preaching religion, they are celebrating a festive occasion.

                  this link provides information to the ORIGIN of SANTA
                  Everything you ever wanted to know about Christmas and Santa Claus, featuring a Santa FAQ, Christmas Songs and Poems, and more about the history of Christmas. Now mobile device friendly!

                  as far as your statement about being a christian
                  (and trust me, I'm not judging), here is a scripture and link you may be interested in:

                  "romans 14" the entire chapter for edification


                  This article will teach you the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit & break them down so you can understand how God works each fruit into your life.

                  God bless you in whatever you decide to do for your child


                  • #10
                    When my son was young I was a single parent & I let him know that there was no Santa. That I am the one that works hard to make sure he gets what he gets that way he was not disappointed when he went back to school & listened to everyone talke about what they got & how he did not get much. I did not want him to think he did not get much cuz he was not as good as they were. I told him the other kids believed & that he should not tell them the truth cuz it would hurt their feelings. But we celebrate Christmas & I never took him away from any of the school celebration I just always reminded him that others believe & not to say anything.


                    • #11
                      Lighten Up

                      Originally posted by leemax View Post
                      I was informed that my son's daycare will be having Santa come and if I did not want to have my son participate in it I will have to (keep my son home). I was informed that this daycare does not ask or preach religion.

                      I am a Christian but I think, that Santa Clause is no good. It is a way to keep my child from following my Lord and Savior. If you read Revelations you will see a discription of my Lord, and to me he is taken by man and made into this jolly old fat man.

                      I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: . . . Daniel 7:9

                      Someone once said "Jesus Christ is nothing but a Santa Claus for adults."

                      The christmas tree is forbbiden in Jeremiah 10:2-4: "Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not." (KJV).

                      They will not teach my son about God since it is a religion at this daycare, but they will teach their pagan religion to my son. Someone please explain it to me.
                      My Father is Jewish, My Mother Episcopalian, My Step Father Irish Catholic, I am Buddhist, and my wife Methodist.

                      Let children be children and enjoy the holidays. If not just keep them home that day and ask for a rebate on your payment. Life is rough enough.
                      Last edited by Michael; 11-24-2008, 01:32 PM.


                      • #12
                        If you dont like it....

                        If you dont like the channel on TV, CHANGE IT! But dont push your views on everyone else. Let kids be kids. I'm so sick of this kind of thing. I remember when I was little we used to make crafts at school that were so fun around all of the holidays and it was a Christmas Party, not a "holiday party" or a "winter party". I personally feel sorry for your child. My older children know that Santa is not real, but they still like to see him! You need to take a chill pill. Take your kid out, find a new daycare that does not celebrate anything, and leave everyone else alone!


                        • #13
                          Teach your child

                          First... if the Christmas tree is forbidden...there is many christian homes and churches that are sinning against God. I am a Christian...have taught Children's church for years...and been a Missionette Coordinator...and my family is strong Christians and my father is a Decon in the church. They study faithfully ... they have NOT made me aware of the tree being forbidden. HOWEVER... I do understand that you do NOT want your child to think that Christmas is all about some fat man in a suit. I have created traditions that my child will carry with her throughout her life that will keep the meaning of Christmas true. We always go to candle light services on Christmas Eve.... we then come home and devote the evening to the reason of Christmas. We have a dinner... readings and teachings of Christmas...and we ALWAYS have a WHITE cake with White icing that says Happy Birthday Jesus...and we sing happy birthday to Jesus...and my daughter blows out the candles... This time is set aside so that when the morning of Christmas rolls around that we don't forget what it is truely about. Christmas day we make sure that after the gifts we discuss how the gifts of the Wise Men... and be sure we teach... so she gets to enjoy the fat man but not FOCUS on the fat man... and she knows what it is really about. I run a christian based center...and have a few that don't want them to participate...and the parents and I make arrangements for either a day that they won't be there... or another staff to find something for them to do fun while the others enjoy it. We can't force our beliefs on the rest of the world and still have to respect theirs as well.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by leemax View Post

                            The christmas tree is forbbiden in Jeremiah 10:2-4: "Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not." (KJV).

                            They will not teach my son about God since it is a religion at this daycare, but they will teach their pagan religion to my son. Someone please explain it to me.
                            Actually Jeremiah is not condemning Christmas trees. He is condemning idolatry. The trees in Jeremiah 10 are cut down to carve them into worthless idols that will later be decorated with gold and silver. Jeremiah says nothing about Christmas trees.

                            That being said let your child enjoy being a child, let him believe in santa, the tooth fairy,mother goose and all those other things that come with being a child, in time he will discover that they are make believe.... As for god your child will choose his own path...... at his age it is a hard concept to grasp that he is to believe in a god he can't see or touch and touch either.

                            Kids are smart and if you let them they will figure it all out on their own.
                            If you are that paranoid then U better remove him from society at large as there will always be something that is satans work around every corner.

