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Tips to Help My Baby Sleep

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  • Tips to Help My Baby Sleep

    Any tips that work?

  • #2
    Here are some threads that have many suggestions depending on the age and situation.

    BTW, we've moved the forum to a new software and address here:


    • #3
      okay thanks.


      • #4
        Here are some tips from parents to help baby sleep. 1. Feed baby during the day, rather than at night. Once a baby is taking breast milk, it can go a long time between feedings. In fact, newborns only need to eat every 3 to 4 hours during the day. At night, it's okay for babies to eat every 2 to 4 hours. 2. Keep your baby in a dark room. Light can stimulate her brain into waking up and crying. 3. Don't overdress your baby. Nothing else will cause a child to wake up and cry with colic pains like being too bundled up. 4. Learn to sleep with a white noise machine, which plays a sound to mask other noises. 5. Give your baby a pacifier. This can calm her down and help her fall asleep. 6. Burp your baby every time she eats. If you don’t, she might have reflux or get a tummy ache. 7. Sit with your baby in your lap in her room. It’s okay to rock her to sleep, but you should finish before she falls asleep. 8. Don't let your baby sleep with a bottle or a stuffed animal. Either can be a choking hazard. 9. Put your baby in the crib when she seems tired, even if she isn’t crying. 10. Don't give your baby milk, an extra bottle, or a pacifier after 6 p.m.

