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Mulch In My Daughter's Diaper. Should I Get Concerned?

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  • Mulch In My Daughter's Diaper. Should I Get Concerned?

    My daughter who is just little over 18 months had lots of mulch and small tree sticks inside her diaper when she came back from her daycare. They play outside. But, there is no way to get those things in as she wears pants. There were some more inside her buttocks. I was shocked to see it. Emailed the daycare but no reply yet since this happened on Friday. We are shocked and concerned. But, we are not sure how to react on the daycare administration. Because, if we send our daughter back then that caretaker might treat our little one bad if this situation made her get scolded by her boss. This week is a critical week on our jobs and finding a new daycare is not an option at the moment. How would you react on this? Has someone had similar experience?

  • #2
    When little ones are outside they can get into everything. It sounds like a classmate dumped the mulch on your daughter and it went down her bac and into her diaper. Maybe her diaper was a little loose ?
    That being said, I wonder the time frame from the children being outside until you picked her up. The standard in most Day cares is to change the children before pick up. Your daughter must have been uncomfortable with a diaper full of mulch ! They should not treat your daughter any differently because of your concern. You should ask questions when you see an issue. When you drop off in the morning, inform her teacher about what happened. She should have some answers.


    • #3
      Hmmm, did you pick her up while she was outside? Was the diaper dry? I've noticed things in kids' diapers before but changing them regularly makes sure they're cleaned. I'm always amazed at the some of the things that can make it inside, even with the dcks that wear onesies. I would casually mention it if I were you. How long has your child been attending this place? Is the general care otherwise given, appropriate and seems to be on top of things?
      If you're happy here, I'd give them a 2nd chance. It wouldn't be a deal breaker to me because days can be hectic.

      About diapers and pick-up can be clean at 4:00 when I make sure I do one of my last diaper changes of the day in case of pick ups being early and they can be soaked by 4:30 when I check again for parents that didn't come. Of course mulch is different but....


      • #4
        Did you pick up from the playground? Is your daughter one of the last kids picked up?

        Many centers combine all classes, of the latest pick-ups, to one playground to save payroll expenses. The classrooms are then cleaned and full-time staff sent home.

        Typically the staff to stay with the last combined group are the part-time teens who come in after school. They receive the kids changed and ready to go home from their usual teacher at the end of their shift. Finding out your childs teachers schedules can help prevent issues like this in the future.

        Toddlers like to toss mulch over their backs, it is a constant battle. As they bend down, the diaper gaps in the back. "No throwing mulch" is an afternoon mantra in many centers. Try a onsie under clothing for a while.
        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


        • #5
          Many times, my kiddos are picked up from outside in the afternoon. They go home with dirt on their clothes, sometimes sand in their hair, and I'm SURE dirt or whatever in their diaper on occasion . Kids are attracted to dirt and UNLESS the DCP left the child in that diaper AFTER outside play, I wouldn't worry about it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            My daughter who is just little over 18 months had lots of mulch and small tree sticks inside her diaper when she came back from her daycare. They play outside. But, there is no way to get those things in as she wears pants. There were some more inside her buttocks. I was shocked to see it. Emailed the daycare but no reply yet since this happened on Friday. We are shocked and concerned. But, we are not sure how to react on the daycare administration. Because, if we send our daughter back then that caretaker might treat our little one bad if this situation made her get scolded by her boss. This week is a critical week on our jobs and finding a new daycare is not an option at the moment. How would you react on this? Has someone had similar experience?
            I agree with the other posters that this seems like a completely plausible thing with toddlers and outside play.

            However, ANY time you are concerned about the treatment of your child there is NO excuse as to why finding alternate care is not an option.

            Work obligations should never outweigh your child's needs.


            • #7
              Thanks all very much for your opinions. I now have an idea on how to react. I'll give a second chance after talking with the admins and teachers.
              I picked her up at 5.30pm from the classroom. They have been outside at 4.30pm. But, unlike the other days they had the evening diaper change before going outside. Yes, I see that can happen while playing but having those inside her diaper for a longer period is risky. It may cause infections, bruises, etc.
              The thing is they still didn't reply to my email that was sent on Friday evening. My husband said let's wait till lunch hour to check the admins reaction and go talk to them. This is a big chain Daycare facility, we didn't expect this behavior from them.
              Yes, usually when I go to pick her around 5pm the assigned teachers are not there. Part time staff are there and I've seen that they don't care much as the teachers.


              • #8
                All of my preschoolers wear pants in the winter.
                All of them get the wonderful, enriching experience of playing outside in the dirt, wood chips, etc. during recess.

                All diapered children who sit down and play with woodchips have wood chips in their diapered area. I am unsure about the underwear wearing preschoolers as I do not need to change them, but they might as well.

                I'm unsure what you're actual concern is. Do you believe the child care provider is opening the diaper and pouring woodchips in there? Do you believe they are not changing the child's diaper (is it soaking wet and or soiled every time you pick up?)?

                How would I, personally, react? I'd be THRILLED that my child was involved in a program that actually took them outside and let them have wonderful experiences without worrying about keeping them in a "cleanliness bubble." Helicoptering is detrimental for children. Many research studies are available on that if you look them up.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Thanks all very much for your opinions. I now have an idea on how to react. I'll give a second chance after talking with the admins and teachers.
                  I picked her up at 5.30pm from the classroom. They have been outside at 4.30pm. But, unlike the other days they had the evening diaper change before going outside. Yes, I see that can happen while playing but having those inside her diaper for a longer period is risky. It may cause infections, bruises, etc.
                  The thing is they still didn't reply to my email that was sent on Friday evening. My husband said let's wait till lunch hour to check the admins reaction and go talk to them. This is a big chain Daycare facility, we didn't expect this behavior from them.
                  Yes, usually when I go to pick her around 5pm the assigned teachers are not there. Part time staff are there and I've seen that they don't care much as the teachers.
                  We play outside for a full hour and those with diapers likely have woodchips IN their diapers for a full hour. I'm not sure since I don't check inside their diapers during our recess for no reason (and none of my 2's go poo poo during recess so there's no need to change during that 1 hour span), but it's my guess. None have ever gotten a bruise from a woodchip, a rash from a woodchip, an infection, etc. My 3 in diapers have very sensitive skin.

                  Care you imagine if they inspected every child's diaper every 20 minutes while out there "just in case" there was a woodchip that got in there? Who would be watching the other kids while they're inspecting diapers?


                  • #10
                    I always recommended children should wear t shirt onsies.Keeps some sand and wood chips out of diaper.


                    • #11
                      My kids do come in with wood chips / mulch. Sometimes a lot sometimes not much. Kids with diapers do manage to get it in there as well dspite onzies. I don't always do diapers when we come in. Often I'll start lunch then do them. Or wat till the next change time unless they poop. None of the kids have ever gotten a reaction to it or get enough in there at a regular basis to warrant changing when we come in. Expessilly since e change bums uselly before going out. I would realy not worry to much.
                      As well with a delay in response may have been do to the weekend. I doubt the center employs any one to check email outside of center hours.


                      • #12
                        One of mine had little purple flowers in her diaper on Friday. Quite festive. I had one very deliberately dump sand down the front on their diaper before I could stop them. That was awful. I'm still scarred years later.

                        But all sorts of things find their way into diapers. Maybe check before you leave the center from now on.


                        • #13
                          My 6 year old comes home at 4:00 from Kinder with wood chips in his underwear from recess... 4 hours earlier!
                          Heck, sometimes my 9 year old does too.

                          It happens. I wouldn't stress unless you have other concerns accompanying this one.


                          • #14
                            ok, I know this is gross.......TMI

                            I have VERY thick, VERY LONG, unruly hair. I have had parents tell me that they find it in their kids diapers. HOW embarrassing.

                            I have had this happen with some of my kids, with sand in the diaper...Oh and not a small amount.

                            turn your back for a second and kids do some funny stuff.


                            • #15
                              Hey, I spent the whole day yesterday with a dryer sheet in my pant leg and didn't even notice until I was getting ready for bed.

