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Child Endangerment???

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  • Child Endangerment???

    My licensed home daycare provider had her brother-in-law (whom I've net met, but have heard about) take my son to his home to "hide" him along with his own two young sons because she received an unexpected visit from the county social worker. My son told me he went to this person's home and I called and asked her about it and she denied it. I called the county and filed a complaint; they are still "investigating." Wonder what else I can do; any thoughts? Thanks.

  • #2
    Just not cool...

    :confused:That's just...not OK. If he's an assistant to her or something, he's supposed to go through the same process as she is (at least in CA)...fingerprinting, background check, etc. but I'm not sure if there's a law about an assistant being able to leave with a child without the provider present. That's assuming he's even an assistant and not just a family member trying to help her cover her tracks. This is just all around not a good situation and I think you did the right thing reporting it. First of all, there is a quota on how many children a provider can watch at one time for a reason - and it's the safety of the children. If she's going over frequently, it's possible that someone else already turned her in and that's why she got a "surprise" visit. I would be freaking out if someone I had never even met took my child to his house!


    • #3
      yeah...really not cool

      Find a new provider. If it seems inappropriate & questionable, It probably is. Remember all the horror stories you have heard about child molestation & rape and let that be your motivation to never send your child back there again. I would never want something to happen to my kids and have to think, " I had that sick feeling and I didn't listen to it." Good luck

