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No Naps (just a rent)

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  • No Naps (just a rent)

    I work at a small chain corporate daycare the woman that is in charge of the 3 schools (not the owner) decided that the 4/5 year old children will no longer nap (her daughter is that age at a differant school and doesn't like to nap) most of our kids are there from between 630am and 7am and there till 6pm the ones that dont seem to need a nap we let stay up but the ones that cry all afternoon or fall asleep in the corners of the room or whoes parents have requested get sent to the 3 year old class to nap. Well She showed up the other day at nap and basically said that she doesn't care what the parents want that this school doesnt nap the pre k. She says that we aren't doing them any favors by letting them nap and when they get to kindergarten they won't have a nap so they need to get used to it (We used to take away naps during summer before kindergarten because we go on field trips and swim during that time I feel 3 months before kindergarten is enough time to get used to no nap and i have a problem with having the kids falling asleep in the corners when they could be getting a good rest in the other room and then i have a good afternoon and the parents a good evening. I won't be at this company much longer so for now my Pre k kids will nap if i feel they need it.