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nutrion and safety

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  • nutrion and safety

    My child and my friends child go to the same daycare and my friend spoke to the new owners of the daycare about the menu. Her daughter has a milk allergy and the daycare keeps serving her milk. She did supply a doctors note listing her allergies the new owner told her that he was following state guidlines and would continue to put a glass of milk in front of her every day even if he had to throw it away because he was going by the guidlines. He also serves fritopie to 3-4yr olds with other ,to me non nutrious foods which parents have verbalized there concerns but the new owners do not seen concerned that some children are going hungry and refuses to offer any substitutes or offer to work with the parents on the menu and shows no concern about the children going hungry he says the will learn to like what is served.

  • #2
    Dr. Note and picky eaters

    If a doctor's note has been supplied, the daycare provider is NOT required to put a glass of milk in front of the child with the allergy, and it is dangerous to do so. I believe State laws everywhere indicate that, and I know they do in NE.

    As far as food choices go, it's a fact that as long as the provider serves or offers a component from each of the required food groups each meal, they do not have to cater to each individual children's needs. If he's not doing that, request an inspection from the food program if the State has one.

    For example, most of my kids love green beans. I serve them, and there's one child that refused to eat them initially because she does not get them at home since her father hates them. She's learned the behavior from him, and her father was initially horrified that I offered them to her and displayed this in front of the child. She does eat them here, though but I had to offer them a couple of times before she figured out that she does like them.

    The first time it was offered I put her plate with foods she does like in front of her with the green beans included, walked back into the kitchen to clean up while the kids ate, and she followed me right back into the kitchen with her full plate of food that I'd just made for her and dumped the whole thing the trash without touching a thing. Not only am I not required to cater to that, I refuse to!


    • #3
      I agree with the last post. We are required to offer foods from all food groups but if there is a Dr. then we do not give that child the food that is listed. We are also told that as long as we offer each of the food groups that if I child does not eat then that is all we need to do. We can not force a child to eat if they do not want to. A child is not going to starve from a day a childcare from not eating, if the child is not eating at home too then that would be different. If the parents want to cater to a childs eating behavior that is up to them but as a provider we do not & do not have time to do so.


      • #4
        get regs

        go online to your state's daycare website and read the regulations. It will cover foods, etc......


        • #5
          Day care provider should not give milk to baby if baby has a milk allergy. If a doctor's note has been supplied, the daycare provider should not require to give a glass of milk in front of the child with the allergy.

