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Seriously Need a Vacation

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  • Seriously Need a Vacation

    As if last week wasn't bad enough, it's starting already this week. DCB, 2 yrs old, almost 3 comes with mom this morning. Dad usually brings him, but he's out of town. Of course dcb throws complete fit and cries/screams and mom doesn't know what to do. I keep saying, he'll be fine, he'll be fine bye bye. We're in the midst of potty training and I give him the small jelly beans as a reward, so mom says that I'll give him a jelly bean. She said it a couple of times, go get a jelly bean. Then finally I pick him up and tell her he'll be fine, bye and turn around with him. He starts grabbing onto my desk and kicking and about knocked the desk over. It's one of those secretary desks that the front pulls down. Ticked me right off. She leaves and texts me a bit later and asks if he's okay and she says I know I stayed too long. I texted her back and told her that yes, you did stay too long and tomorrow it can't be like that. What do you do if parent says that you'll give them a "treat" like that? Not a great way to start the day.

  • #2
    I would say 'mommy will give you a BIG bag of jelly brand when she picks up!'


    • #3
      Originally posted by sahm1225 View Post
      I would say 'mommy will give you a BIG bag of jelly brand when she picks up!'
      They are waiting in the car.


      • #4
        Just let him eat a whole bunch right before he leaves.

        I haven't had that happen here yet, but I would have done/said the same as what you did.


        • #5
          Yea think I'll give him a bunch of sugar right before he leaves hahaha!! Ticks me off because the jellybeans are for rewarding good behavior. No way I'm going to reward his bad behavior this morning by giving him a treat. He asked for one after she left and I told him that he was acting naughty and naughty doesn't get jellybeans.


          • #6
            "Sue, I am sorry but I do not reward tantrums with treats."


            • #7
              Originally posted by EntropyControlSpecialist View Post
              "Sue, I am sorry but I do not reward tantrums with treats."

              Hope today's drop off goes much better - but if it didn't I would seriously do the buh-bye outside. I do not get paid enough to deal with that kind of drama each morning.

