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Healthy Snacks

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  • Healthy Snacks

    Our 2 year old started daycare a few weeks ago. We went to see about 10 different daycares and this one seemed the best overall. One of the things we liked about this daycare was tha
    they seemed pretty conscious about healthy diet. Their hot meal program has vegetable soups and grilled chicken instead of pizza and chicken nuggets. However, what she's getting for her snacks are something we'd never give her at home: Oreos, goldfish crackers, chocolate milk, etc…
    We've been packing her own lunch and snacks now, but I don't think she cannot not want or eat Oreos when everyone else is eating it, so teacher gives some to her. I don't even mind it if school discontinues providing snacks at all if Oreo is what she's getting, or pay a little more for fresh fruits and whole wheat crackers, but I don't think other parents would agree.
    What is the best way to suggest to the school that we'd like her to have healthier snacks without offending them? I appreciate your insight.

  • #2
    Oreos and chocolate milk? Wow! That is ridiculous! I am really shocked. Yeah, I would freak out if that were my kid! My kids are 12 and 14 and they don't even get those things but maybe once a year. I would never even think of giving any of that to my daycare kids! If they are on the food program, they should be reported.

    I honestly would pull your child if they didn't change. Yeah, I'm sure any kid wants the oreos and chocolate milk when they see the other kids eating it. I'm just so baffled that they would do that. I guess they don't understand that a child's behavior is also linked to their eating habits, not to mention their overall health fighting off colds, etc.

    What state are you in? In California they are very specific about the kind of milk we serve.


    • #3
      Did you see the snack menus before signing the contract?

      Is it possible these are occassional treats offered between meals and snacks not in place of?

      I do theme parties and we love to have treats... it happens like once a month or so (depending on birthdays).
      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • #4
        Wow? Are they part of the food program? I don't think Oreos and choc milk count? The worst thing on my snack list is graham crackers or Nilla wafers on rare occasion. But plain graham crackers (not the sugar coated ones) with PB and fruit are actually pretty healthy!


        • #5
          The snack they are serving may have "unhealthy" ingredients if it's a snack they aren't counting for the food program.

          Since you can only claim 3 meals/snacks total they may be trying not to cut that snack out all together but trying to find ways to do include it cheaply.

          If your child is eating breakfast, morning snack and lunch there and those snacks/meals are healthy...I personally, wouldn't stress too much about the afternoon one.

          The easiest and quickest fix to this issue though is to definitely sit down and talk to the school director or classroom teacher.


          • #6
            Originally posted by TwinKristi View Post
            Wow? Are they part of the food program? I don't think Oreos and choc milk count? The worst thing on my snack list is graham crackers or Nilla wafers on rare occasion. But plain graham crackers (not the sugar coated ones) with PB and fruit are actually pretty healthy!
            Here we can serve choc. milk as long as it's the right fat content for their age. We can also serve cookies and stuff like that, but they say not to serve "junk" food more than twice per week. Heck, pop tarts and donuts count as a grain! My food rep said that they are looking into changing some of those ya think!?


            • #7
              We may have cookies listed on snacks now that I think about it but I've never served them for the FP so I don't know. I suppose they don't have to claim that food on their FP if they have healthy food otherwise.
              But I would probably gripe about Oreos. Chocolate milk doesn't bother me as much as Oreos! We don't have poptarts on ours and I don't recall donuts? I'm pretty boring and serve the same stuff at breakfast so I'm not looking on there much.


              • #8
                Depends on your state, food program regulations and IF they are claiming it. Lots of if's.

                I can see oreos being a no-no. What's wrong with goldfish? I serve Annie's cheddar bunnies every other week, and it's ALWAYS a favorite. I also make a homemade whole wheat pizza with organic pasta sauce, and organic mozzarella and veggie toppings my kiddos LOVE for pizza party days. We are mainly organic. Snacks here are 2 fresh fruits 2 fresh veggies and one 'treat' per week on Fridays. I alternate cheddar bunnies and a sweet, like graham crackers.

                I could legally serve pop tarts and donuts and be reimbursed for it. Never have, never will though.

                I think your best bet is to speak to the director of the program. Try to compliment the lunch program (helps to soften the 'blow') and then inquire about the snack policies.

                "We started little Sally here based partially on your wonderful hot lunch menu. We eat healthy at home and appreciate that you incorporate lean meat, vegetables, fruits and whole grains into her lunch everyday. With that being said, I am a little concerned about the sugar content of the afternoon snacks. We are all for a treat once in a while, like for a classmates birthday, but it is quite often that these items are offered. We would be willing to send snack for the class to share. Maybe we could have a sign up sheet with some healthy suggestions for the other parents?"

                In my sons class, we are responsible for sending snack once/month. They have a sign up sheet that comes home and a list of options (fresh fruit, fresh veggies, sliced cheese and wheat crackers, pretzels, cheese stick, hard boiled eggs, that sort of thing) We simply send our snack in on the designated day. I pretty much always send in either bananas, cheese sticks or baby carrots since they are ds's favorites. Once a month, they celebrate the monthly birthdays, have a little party and eat some sugary treats. No harm done, it doesn't happen weekly, and is a true 'treat'.


                • #9
                  All of those things are on my FP list for snacks. Donuts, sweet rolls, breakfast pastries, cookies etc. Also, flavored milk.

                  Other than fruit and whole wheat crackers, what would you like her to have for snacks. We have cookies really only if it's someone's birthday treat or something like that. I don't have a problem with that. I am a believer in moderation. I would never give cookies every day for snack. They must give your child something other than Oreos everyday. What else do they serve?


                  • #10
                    So much hate for the oreos....

                    I do "serve" them every November... It is one of our favorite circle time craft treats. lovethis It is more a group activity than food, but I have to include it on the menu due to technicalities.

                    Has OP come back??

                    (this is a stock photo, not my DCK. but the turkey is very similar)
                    Attached Files
                    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                    • #11
                      Maybe suggest school to use some healthy snack service?

                      I know there are companies do corporate delivery of healthy snacks. Maybe try to suggest school to use this kind of service? I guess they also do deliver to schools

                      The one that my company use is called OhMyGreen
                      Last edited by Blackcat31; 02-18-2014, 03:22 PM.


                      • #12
                        Popcorn Machine

                        We run a daycare and just purchased a popcorn machine from
                        The kids (and parents) love it!
                        Just be sure not to use the saturated coconut oil, that is not healthy. Instead use canola oil.


                        • #13
                          I am not on the food program at this point yet, still checking into it. But when I was in Kansas and doing daycare years ago, I could serve "cookies" twice a week. But the graham crackers counted as cookies. So usually when we had cookies it was graham crackers. If I had oreos, I probably wouldn't share .

