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Bleach Around Children

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  • Bleach Around Children

    My 2 year old son attends a daycare in Lilburn, GA. Until today, I have been fairly pleased with the facility and he seems to love it. When I went to pick him up this evening, I noticed that there were several bleach marks on the back of his navy blue pants. As annoyed as I am about the pants, I am very upset that he was exposed to bleach.

    Isn't there something in daycare standards or guidelines that states that chemicals should not be used around the children? In my opinion, all cleaning should be done when the children are out of the classroom as not to expose them to harmful chemicals. I am just glad that it was only his pants that were ruined and that he didn't ingest any. He sticks his hands in his mouth all of the time and could have very easily gotten very sick if he had done so after touching the bleached area. I pointed the marks on his pants to the evening teacher, who's name I do not know, and she stated that she had not noticed the marks and had no idea when it had been done.

    Could someone tell me who the proper channel would be to notify? Other than bringing it up to the daycare director, I do not know what else to do. Beside, I do not think that it would do any good to report it to the director. I would appreciate any help that anyone could provide me with.

  • #2
    Unfortunately we are told to clean with a bleach solution. When I have my surprise visits (in home child care provider) they check to make sure that this is what I am using & they want us to clean counters & anything that the children come in contact with to clean it with the solution. They do not want us to use the bleach wipe cuz they say they do not get the surface wet enough & the surface needs to stay wet for a certain length of time after wiping it off.

    I can see where you would be frustrated (I would be too) Maybe your child rubbed up against a table or something after it was just wiped off. Next time ask about it & let them know that you have bleach stains on your childs clothes then maybe they can keep more of an eye open to keep the children away from the area until it fully drys.
    Last edited by Michael; 12-31-2008, 04:34 PM.


    • #3
      Using bleach to clean toys/tables

      I work at a daycare center and we're asked to use a bleach to s*****e the rooms too, well, it's actually and bleach/water solution that's used. I personally don't use the bleach water around the LITTLE kids ever, but it's SLIGHTLY comforting to know that the amount of bleach mixed into the solution is VERY minimal so as to ensure a SLIGHTLY safer cleaning utensil around the kids. Of course bleach is always dangerous, but the intensity of the danger is lessened being that the amount of bleach in comparison with the amount of water is incredibly small.


      • #4
        I do believe it is required by law to use the bleach/water mixture. When i worked in the center we had to (by law) wipe down the changing table after each and every diaper changing. I suggest that you send your child to daycare in play clothing, clothing that you really don't care if it gets messed up. Lets put it this way would you rather have a little bit of bleach on your childs clothing or would you rather have your child sick all the time?


        • #5
          Same problem!

          My son has to go in regular clothes because he wears uniform and so far there has been bleach on three different clothes articles. They use the bleach that comes in a bottle. I am sure it's not the proper solution. They spray it on and wipe it off and they do not rewipe with water. They do it while the 4 year olds are in the classroom. The stain on the last thing is so big it's possible for him to not only ingest it but he can also get it on his skin and it can burn him. So being that it's three different items. I am going to ask for the money for these everyday items he uses and also find the rules for my state and show it to them. I also worked in a daycare and you have to use a certain solution.


          • #6
            How do I find out what states require for cleaning in Day Care centers

            Hi I am new to this website. I found it while checking for someone who wanted to put a safer alternative to bleach into local day cares in Florida. I can't imagine using bleach and do not understand why some states require that when there are other alternatives. Thanks Caroline


            • #7
              In California it is required for family home daycare to use a bleach/water solution diluted to a specific amount. However, it need to be night at the end of the day when all the children have gone home. This way it should be dry in the morning. So your center may simply need to change the time they clean.


              • #8
                We're required here in MA to use bleach or an approved disinfecting solution. Unfortunately many of the licensors only read as far as bleach,and insist that we use that. Seems contradictory to use bleach around kids, doesn't it? but if we're disinfecting the changing table between diaper changes the right way, there will still be enough bleach on the changing table to ruin the kids clothes at the next change . Eg- I change all the kids in diapers at set times during the day- 9:30 am, 11:30, 1:15, and after their naps (so usually 4:00) and also any time they have a bm in between. If i use bleach on the changer, children #2-6 will have bleached clothes. I DONT use bleach- I use another FDA approved disinfecting product because bleach sets off my asthma, and that of one of my dc children. But I have a fight with the licensor EVERY time she comes out, even though I have the exact wording of the reg highlighted for her to see that it's actually allowed in the regs to use what I do!
                So while I agree w/you that bleach shouldn't be used around the kids, we're actually mandated to use it


                • #9
                  want to be a member

                  How do I become a member


                  • #10
                    Becoming a member

                    Do you mean how do you register? What I did was on the main forum page ( not quite 1/2 of the way down on that page there is a welcome message that says you "may have to register before you can post.

                    The word register is a link to sign up on the forum. Follow the prompts, enter your date of birth, read and agree to follow the rules, then come up with your user name and password.

                    Hope that helps!
                    Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


                    • #11
                      To register to become a forum member, please go to:


                      • #12
                        I am interested in what the other FDA approved solutions would be because bleach makes me sick as well.


                        • #13
                          Anything labeled disinfectant. In order to be labeled disinfectant, it has to meet certain criteria w/the FDA etc.
                          I use the clorox wipes. I've also seen another solution used that they use at my gym (at a dc center) but I can't remember the name-- it's something you buy from one of those janitorial supply places online (I want to say it's baxter brand?)


                          • #14
                            Just a note about why bleach solutions are used, from our local licensing agency's disinfecting/sanitizing handbook:

                            Why is bleach generally recommended over other products? Bleach is recommended over other products because it is inexpensive, strong and relatively simple to mix. Bleach is safe to use in day care in the concentrations recommended. The compound breaks up very quikcly and the reactive part is only available for a brief period of time and then forms products (salt and water) that are no longer reactive and are safe if ingested and safe for the environment.

                            Bleach is easily broken down by light; that is why bleach is sold in solid colour bottles and new solutions must be made every day. Once the bleach is broken down by light and has lost its colour and odour it is no longer useful.

                            Hope that helps ease your minds a little. My thought is, however, if it's leaving bleach stains on your kid's clothes you may want to check that they're using the proper solution (2 tablespoons of bleach to one gallon of water).


                            • #15
                              I don't use bleach on anything. I either put toys in dishwasher, wash them in sink, use antibacterial wipes on them, etc., depending on what it is I am cleaning.

                              When we have family dinners, my mom always puts a dab of bleach in the dishwater when we wash dishes. I hate bleach, as it tends to ruin clothing if it spatters on you.

                              So, anyone have any suggestions for something to throw in the dishwater when washing the does the same as bleach, killing germs, but doesn't ruin clothing?

