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Should I Report This Daycare?

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  • Should I Report This Daycare?

    I had a terrible incident with a licensed daycare provider. First of all the house was dirty and had a foul odor and was dirty and then she was late picking my son up from school almost whole hour. I called her and she said in a nonchalaunt way I had an emergency. Well, when arriving to her home she told lme if I didn't like her service to escort my way out of her house then yelled four eyed bitch. This was done in front of the daycare children and my son as well.

  • #2
    When to Report or File a Complaint on a Daycare Facility

    Absolutely. Does her actions rise to the level of how any business should be run? It would make one wonder how she behaves when an adult is not around. This sets a bad example for the children and her business. She has a responsibility to both.

    Many would simply say she had a bad day and if you don’t like it take your business some where else. I say it shows an underlying tendency to overreact. Name calling? In front of the children? She needs to be called on it. I believe this woman should not be running a business for children.

    Shoot out a letter to both her and your state’s licensing agency. We as parents need to have recourse and not feel powerless.


    • #3

      I agree!! I've had bad days while doing childcare but i'd never take it that far! There's no excuse for that... Like the other post says, if she'd do something like that, she's probably even worse behind closed doors when it's just her and the kids. I would definitely report her! She needs to know that isn't appropriate behavior especially in front of the children she takes care of! I'm glad you got your child out of there, it sounds like a horrible environment! Sheesh...


      • #4
        Great suggestions but do more!

        That is completely unacceptable and good thing for her that you are not a violent or retaliatory person. It is disgraceful to see someone who has been trusted to care for children acting that way. It is a clear indicator to how she reacts to the children when she is stressed.
        Reporting the center is a step that needs to be taken of course but I find that the only REAL leverage we have as parents is to get to the other parents with your experience and concern. Hit her (so to speak) where it hurts, her business and her income. If the other parents start pulling their kids she will lose her business and it sounds like that is exactly what she needs.

