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A Few Questions for Providers

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  • A Few Questions for Providers


    I hope this is the right place to post these questions

    After 9 months of our Parents watching our Little girl I am now looking for a DC provider in the Bronx NY. (time to give the Grandparents a break)

    After reading many Posts I have gleamed this information
    1) read, understand and agree with the contract
    2) communication is key
    3) Licensed vrs unlicensed does not always mean a better or worse quality of care

    I have a few questions I hope some people can give me input

    1) were are the best places to find information about providers, not all have websites, and there are too many around to go see them all. How is the best way to get information and or feedback about places?

    2) kinda tied with question one, both wife and I work retail management... flex schedule and late nights (10pm pu), any special way I should search for places with longer hours (most i have seen are 7-6 or 6-6 ect)

    3) I would be looking for at least 3 days a week, the places I have looked at charge either daily pt or weekly FT (about same price for 3 days pt pay) If a dp pays a ft rate do you let them drop off any day up to 5 days if so how much notice do you require (I would be looking for 3-4 days but would flex depending on what days we are off)

    4) what questions do you feel a parent should ask during an interview, what is important to ask? and what should I be looking for when I go to look at a place?

    5) and finally... I as a parent would want to "pop in" every now and then, I don't mean a surprise visit like I am trying spy on the place but being my first child and first time in a DC just to see how she is doing. How would I communicate this without offending the provider. Or is this something that is frowned upon?

    Thank You for taking the time to read this and post thoughts if you have any. I hope these are not redundant questions but I didn't see clear answers in the posts i did read. And I am sure I will have many more in the future.

  • #2
    The best way to find a good provider is to ask around. Word of mouth from someone else. You can also contact Child resource & referral, they will have a list of providers along with their hours.

    For the days & rates you would have to talk to the provider about. We all are a bit different on how we work that out. If your days will change you will probably have to the full time rate. It make it hard for the provider to pick up other kids on the days that your child would not be care.

    As for question, I'm no help there. When I do a parent interview I start off bt going over my policy. My policy is long due to previous parents that felt the need to take advantage of me. So I am guessing that my policy covers everything that parents are concerned about.

    I do not like it when a parent wants to come to visit. If they ask I will allow it but it throws us off. That is when kids will act up. I also find it more difficult to do my job when someone is here cuz we will end up talking as well. I also find it harder on the child to adjust to the new surroundings when the child only comes a few hours or 1 -2 days before starting their regular schedule.


    • #3
      When looking for care for my daughter I always called resource and referral for child care. I do not know if they have that in your area. They send you a list of licensed providers. It was just my preference to have someone licensed. They sent me out a list of 20 or so providers that fit the times I needed and had space in their program. I met with quite a few to see what was out there. I always went with my gut instinct too. I ended up finding a great one!

      I would make sure you read the contract carefully and make sure it is something you can agree too. I would perform a background check if not already provided for you.
      I would ask about their parenting style, how they would guide negative behavior, what their daily schedule looks like? Do they transport children, if so where to..feildtrips, errands? What is their sick/illness policy, for your children and for them.
      As far as stopping by I would just be up front and let them know what you would like, be reasonable, remember nap time is a bad to come and when you come it can disrupt the day, maybe schedule a few visits. Or ask provider if it is ok to just pop in a few times in the begining of the transition? whatever you guys find appropriate. You should find a provider you feel comfortable talking to.
      Good luck! I am sure some other providers will have more helpful information.


      • #4
        Your right about the 3 To do's when finding childcare - Read your contract and sick policy, every single word and understand it. Ask questions.
        Definately communication is key. and Not being licensed..that is your choice and I am sure there are many great unlicensed providers out there..I would just be careful as they dont have to follow the "rules" that we do

        1) were are the best places to find information about providers, not all have websites, and there are too many around to go see them all. How is the best way to get information and or feedback about places? Definately call your county they should have a list of providers / Any Food program websites / Call your local Resources for Child Caring / Word of mouth..ask around.
        2) kinda tied with question one, both wife and I work retail management... flex schedule and late nights (10pm pu), any special way I should search for places with longer hours (most i have seen are 7-6 or 6-6 ect) I think this is just something you are going to have to ask each provider you call or meet - what their hours are. if they are willing to go later for maybe extra money and again if THEY know of any other providers that have longer hours..there are some that do 24 hour care
        3) I would be looking for at least 3 days a week, the places I have looked at charge either daily pt or weekly FT (about same price for 3 days pt pay) If a dp pays a ft rate do you let them drop off any day up to 5 days if so how much notice do you require (I would be looking for 3-4 days but would flex depending on what days we are off). Depends on how many spots they have open and for what days. For me I have a part timer that comes T-Th. So technically if I had someone looking for M and F only I could take that child. So some might require you to set your days and some might be hurting for kids so much that they wont care as long as you let them know the week before or whatever as to what days your child would be coming the next week. I charge a little bit higher of a PT Rate just because that child DOES take up a FT spot so I need to get my monies worth )4) what questions do you feel a parent should ask during an interview, what is important to ask? and what should I be looking for when I go to look at a place? Safety is #1. Do they have gates up, small items high, plugs on the outlets, just think of everything possible when you are eyeing that house to see if it is safe / is your provider within guidelines of # of children allowed / hours/ rates / food program/ schedule/ do they seem friendly. nurturing, loving, caring / do they get down and work with the kids / what is their sick policy / Nap times / do they work with the parents
        ( communicate well ) How long have they been doing childcare/ do they LOVE it/ Discipline policy/ how often do they sanatize/ do they have a curriculum or crafts etc....thast all I can think of right now

        5) and finally... I as a parent would want to "pop in" every now and then, I don't mean a surprise visit like I am trying spy on the place but being my first child and first time in a DC just to see how she is doing. How would I communicate this without offending the provider. Or is this something that is frowned upon? Good luck in your search - you can also try This, to me, is definately not frowned upon however I have to get your child acclamated to daycare....and having mom or dad pop in may disrupt me doing that. Of course a parent is welcome anytime , anyday..with some proper notice..I wouldnt like someone just "popping" in without notifying me....I could be at the park, deep into a story, in the middle of diaper changes, in the middle of craft time. So I would just ask what their feelings are on it...would they mind if you came Tuesday at 4pm to spend the last hour ? this would be part of the "communication" that is so important. googling questions to ask Child Care provider - bring a list of questions when you interview..go with your gut. Make sure you are 1 million % comfortable with their answers, their appearance, their home etc.

