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Is A Separate Room For Napping Required By Law?

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  • Is A Separate Room For Napping Required By Law?

    Does anyone know if it is a state law in MN to have a seperate napping room at a daycare center? My little one is having trouble sleeping due to the kids running around his crib. They have one big room and everything happens in there. The kids all nap on demand, so naptimes are not in sync.

  • #2
    No, there is no state law requiring this. Have you asked your provider to maybe try putting your child in a room by him/her self ?


    • #3
      No, I am licensed in MN and my dc babies nap in pack and plays in the playroom as well as all the other providers I know around here do the same. There are so many rules about napping babies it's easier to have them right in the room everyone else is in. They get used to the noise after a little bit and sleep right through it.


      • #4

        I am a MN provider too and there is no way I would expect little ones to sleep in the playroom while kids are running around. That is NOT good sleep for anyone. Even if they are "sleeping through it" I doubt that is quality rest.

        Are older children "napping on demand" as well. I completely agree that infants should nap and eat on demand, older toddlers and preschoolers should have some sort of schedule in my opinion.

        I'm sorry, but that just sounds like chaos to me.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Does anyone know if it is a state law in MN to have a seperate napping room at a daycare center? My little one is having trouble sleeping due to the kids running around his crib. They have one big room and everything happens in there. The kids all nap on demand, so naptimes are not in sync.

          I am not in MN, but in most centers around here, infants do not nap in a seperate room. Everything that happens happens all in one room - diaper changes, naps, meals, playing, music time, teacher breaks, etc. So if one infant is crying and screaming while another is trying to sleep, they just have to adjust. How long has your son been enrolled there? Maybe he just hasn't had time to adjust to the new environment. Did the center give you the impression that they had a separate sleep area when you took a tour of the place?

