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Disgusted in Owatonna MN!!

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  • Disgusted in Owatonna MN!!

    I am so disgusted with our ex daycare provider! I found out that she was forcing lemon juice down my sons and daughters mouth because they were crying. My son who is 6yrs said another kid pushed him outside and he fell and hit his head on the concrete, he went inside crying from the pain and she forcefully put lemon juice down his throat! My daughter said she did this to her more than once. My daughter who is 3yrs old starts to cry because she misses her brother who just started school. So she would punish her by forcing lemon juice down her throat for crying. Both kids said she would forcefully push their foreheads back and open their mouths with and spuirt it in. My daughter complained about her stomach hurting. My daughter also said she pulled her hair more than once. When she was confronted she said it was probally another kid that is going thru a hair pulling stage. My daughters exact word were "she pulled my hair and didn't even say she was sorry". I believe my daughter 100%! My son was left unattended downstairs while the other kids were sleeping. He got into some paint and got it on himself and their couch. He said she came down stairs and seen what he did and hit him in the back of the head. I know what he did was wrong but why was he left alone in a room with paint in it? Who in their right mind thinks it's ok to force a substance down a childs mouth as a punishment for crying? She did not ask for permission to do this! I ended her services when I confronted her and she admitted it. I asked for all of the kids belongings and she forgot to give me their blankets. My lawyer said not to pay and she couldn't with hold our belongings. So the police said they would escort me there to get them. When I called her she said I could have them back when she gets her 3 days payment. When I told her the police would escort me to get them she said she had already threw them away! She obviously never cared for the kids if she just threw them away. I can not believe an adult let alone a liscensed daycare provider would do such things. And to think we were paying for such services! I AM COMPLETELY DISGUSTED!!!!!

  • #2
    wow! i'm appalled ! if she is licensed you need to report her!! get things in writing!! you can do something!! good luck!


    • #3

      I'm just south of you 30 miles. I am so sorry to hear this! It makes me recall my days as a kid with an abusive day care provider. If you need to talk, I can PM you my phone number.

      So very sorry, my prayers are with you and your family.

      ~MN Mom


      • #4
        OMG, this is so disgusting it makes me want to cry, report her right away, she needs to be shut down! If you can find any other parents who are bringing their kids their, tell them to get their kids out, even if you have to hang by there in the morning or afternoon and confront other parents, I would want to know this if I were still bringing my kids their, that is so horrible its rediculous!


        • #5
          I agree, this person needs to be reported. Is she licensed? This is a situation where it is definitely appropriate to report, IMO. So sorry your children had to go through that.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jewels View Post
            If you can find any other parents who are bringing their kids their, tell them to get their kids out, even if you have to hang by there in the morning or afternoon and confront other parents, I would want to know this if I were still bringing my kids their, that is so horrible its rediculous!
            While I agree that this is exactly what I would want to do, you should be careful and talk with your attorney first, you could potentially open yourself up to some liability (I'm thinking slander charges).


            • #7
              That's terrible, I'm so sorry your children suffered through that. I definetly would report her but I agree with the previous post about consulting an attorney. Good luck...


              • #8
                AGh! There has been a lot of weird stuff going on in daycare in MN. There are two near me that have been shut down for abuse. I am in MN too...

                You do need to file a report....


                • #9
                  So sorry your children (and you) are having to go through this. Absalutely disgusting and horrible. Please make sure you do as the others said and report her and warn other parents as soon as you can!


                  • #10
                    Because of this post, I have decided to take my old day care family back. Mom has to go back to work part time, and I couldn't stand the idea of them going somewhere else and something like this happening. I've been thru abuse in a day care setting as a has long term effects. At least with me, I know those kids will be safe.


                    • #11
                      That is awful, I cannot imagine going through that! I am so glad that you got your children out and have a lawyer.
                      When I was a child my daycare provider never hit me but she would lock us out of the house during the younger kids nap times and it got really hot out there sometimes and I would get really thirsty. I also remember being hungry all the time.


                      • #12
                        Thanks everyone! I just can't believe how slow the system works. I understand if there's more xtremme cases to deal with but I just hate waiting. The part that still throws me for a loop is that she thinks she did nothing wrong and her lemon juice punishment is an ok method that she heard about from other daycare providers. She is definitely in her own little world! My lawyer said to wait and see how the county handles it. My lawyer said she would be very surprised if she doesn't get her license revoked. I am just anxiously waiting.
                        Last edited by Michael; 12-06-2010, 03:04 PM.


                        • #13
                          Lemon juice ok........thats just mean and unnecessary, If their crying over nothing, and it gets to them, they should put them in a pack n play, where they are out direct ear shot, but sad. I bet those providers don't give that information in their interviews.....I hope she gets shut down


                          • #14
                            I think it would be very hard for me to maintain my self-control and that provider would be experiencing something getting shoved down her throat......


                            • #15
                              There are not words to express the anger that I would have toward this woman if this was my child. This is the type of provider that gives us all a bad name.

