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  • diapering

    I have a two-year-old son who just started at a new childcare center at the end of July. He is on his 3rd lead teacher and he just now started to get acclimated. He has been bitten 6 times, but I understand that these things happen (although I do not like it). Anyhow, a friend has her son in the same class. She told me last weekend that she picked him up twice last week and he was very wet. Another little girl was leaking "#2" out of her diaper when she picked her son up one day. Well, today I picked up my son and his diaper felt very full. When I got home, I changed him and discovered he was wearing the very same diaper I put him in at 7:15 this morning. I picked him up at 4:30! I was irate! I know it was the same diaper because I have Pampers for him at school, but we have Luv's at home. I compared the number and it matches all the diapers in his stash at home. I looked in my diaper bag and the older diaper has a completely different number, from an older batch I had bought. I know I sound crazy, but I just really suspected he wasn't getting changed enough because I sent him to school on July 28 with a pack of 52 diapers and he has been there about 44 or 45 days in attedance and he stsill has about 7 or 8 diapers left. What is acceptable as far as diaper changes for a 2 year old? If a child is at a center for 8.5 or 9 hours, should they be changed more than one time? I know today was completely unacceptable and luckily I am in a position where my mother-in-law can care for him while I find something else, so I am going to pull him. I just wanted to hear what people thought about this issue. Thanks for listening to my LONG story!

  • #2
    Being a provider, this makes me angry. I do my diaper changes every two hours. Of course if they are not wet i do not change them and if they go before the two hours i certinely don't let them sit in there own filth. I think i would bring this to the center director and make sure that she is aware of the problem and if she doesn't handle it, take it to someone who will.


    • #3
      Although I sympathize with your situation and do not agree with day care providers not changing children. Did you consider that since your son is 2, he can start being potty-trained?


      • #4
        I have a class of 2's and they get changed about 3 times per day (unless more is needed). They go less at that age.


        • #5
          I am a toddler teacher and my kids get changed every 2 hours (or as needed for full diapers or BM's) I am in CT


          • #6

            I checked my infants and tods every 2 hours and kept a chart so I knew what time to change them again. Potty training kids I put on the potty every hour until they were potty trained. Leaving a child in a dirty diaper says everything about what kind of care they're receiving overall.


            • #7
              I change the two year olds at least 3 times a day, if not more. They are never allowed to sit in a bm diaper, and changed immediately. Then automatically, I change them at 10:00, again at 12:30 before nap. And approx 3:00 when they wake up. I have had children who can hold it for almost an entire day and could go with only 1 change, but it is then at that point I suggest potty training. Also, if their diaper is wetter than usual, I change them accordingly. My theory is: would I want my own child sitting in it? Of course not, so why would I let someone elses' child. Besides, who wants to smell it anyway?


              • #8

                I don't understand why any one puts off changing a diaper, it has to be changed eventually and will only be worse (especially poopy ones). We change diapers promply b/c the less a child is in a wet/dirty diaper, the easier it is to potty train and avoid rashes.

                I suggest you put a small unnoticable mark of some kind and you will know for sure.

                We keep diapers at our changing station and in their cubbies, so unless you did mark the diaper he was dropped off in, you don't really know for sure. They could have used another diaper or they could have literally not changed it.

                I had a mother call me for d/c because her provider was not changing her 6 mo. old baby and she was wet (not soaking) when she picked her up. A couple months after I started watching her, the mom called me and said her baby was in the same diaper as she came in. I politely (I always speak politely-an angry or upset parent can make false complaints and it isn't good business practice) told her straight off, that she is always changed 1-2 times every night. Her hours are 7:30pm-4:30am. It immediately dawned on me, that is why she was always wet with the other provider, b/c it was the middle of the night. She said she always tears the right tab on every diaper she wears and when she picked her up, it was the same diaper b/c the right tab was torn (I told her that if she tears every tab, then the tab on the diapers we put on her (from her own diapers) would also be torn.) I told her to make some mark somewhere on the diapers and then she would know for sure. She said she shouldn't have to do that and I said no you shouldn't, but it is the only way you will know for sure. We keep the baby up until 10-10 or later (as a courtesy to the mom-to get more sleep). I told her she is up for 2 1/2-3 1/2 hours (maybe a nit more ocassionally). We check her diaper at drop off, feed her a snack (she usually feeds her) and we feed her a small meal & bottle about 9:30, then we change her diaper and have her ready for bed. I told her she is picking her up in the middle of the night and should expect her diaper to be wet and she is welcome to change her before she goes home, that we do not and will not be changing her or any baby in the night, unless they wake up for a feeding or we discover a wet/dirty diaper when checking on them. I have not heard any comments since then.

                I would mark the diapers, keep track of how many you put in there and then you will know.

                Good luck


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  I don't understand why any one puts off changing a diaper, it has to be changed eventually and will only be worse (especially poopy ones). We change diapers promply b/c the less a child is in a wet/dirty diaper, the easier it is to potty train and avoid rashes.

                  I suggest you put a small unnoticable mark of some kind and you will know for sure.

                  We keep diapers at our changing station and in their cubbies, so unless you did mark the diaper he was dropped off in, you don't really know for sure. They could have used another diaper or they could have literally not changed it.

                  I had a mother call me for d/c because her provider was not changing her 6 mo. old baby and she was wet (not soaking) when she picked her up. A couple months after I started watching her, the mom called me and said her baby was in the same diaper as she came in. I politely (I always speak politely-an angry or upset parent can make false complaints and it isn't good business practice) told her straight off, that she is always changed 1-2 times every night. Her hours are 7:30pm-4:30am. It immediately dawned on me, that is why she was always wet with the other provider, b/c it was the middle of the night. She said she always tears the right tab on every diaper she wears and when she picked her up, it was the same diaper b/c the right tab was torn (I told her that if she tears every tab, then the tab on the diapers we put on her (from her own diapers) would also be torn.) I told her to make some mark somewhere on the diapers and then she would know for sure. She said she shouldn't have to do that and I said no you shouldn't, but it is the only way you will know for sure. We keep the baby up until 10-10 or later (as a courtesy to the mom-to get more sleep). I told her she is up for 2 1/2-3 1/2 hours (maybe a nit more ocassionally). We check her diaper at drop off, feed her a snack (she usually feeds her) and we feed her a small meal & bottle about 9:30, then we change her diaper and have her ready for bed. I told her she is picking her up in the middle of the night and should expect her diaper to be wet and she is welcome to change her before she goes home, that we do not and will not be changing her or any baby in the night, unless they wake up for a feeding or we discover a wet/dirty diaper when checking on them. I have not heard any comments since then.

                  I would mark the diapers, keep track of how many you put in there and then you will know.

                  Good luck

                  I posted this and when I said she tears all her tabs, I meant the baby always tears her right tab. For some reason she thinks the baby would never pull at her diaper at our place.
                  The mom said the baby was always wet at pick up time at 4:45am. She comes at 7:30 (in a clean diaper) and takes a 1 hour nap (she is tired when she comes), then she goes to bed between 10 and 11, she is up for 3-4 hours and is always changed at least once, usually twice (she only wets for us).

