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Video at Daycare--Secured Login Access for Parents

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  • Video at Daycare--Secured Login Access for Parents

    We're thinking of opening up an in-home daycare center so that I can stay home with our 6-month old.

    We are very concerned with the safety of our own daughter, and we would be very cautious about placing her in a daycare, and we expect that many other parents would feel the same way. My husband, who is very tech-savvy, came up with the idea of setting up video cameras so that the parents could log in from work or wherever with a username and password to see the daycare environment and check on their child at any time. It would be a peace-of-mind thing. I know that I would love that sort of feature if I had to put my baby in daycare.

    But what do you other parents think? Would you appreciate such a feature at your daycare?

  • #2

    I already have it in my daycare. There's a business that does it here and they have branches in most states, so it's obviously a wanted service. We learned about it in Florida and then when we moved to California the same company had it here too so we went ahead and signed up with them again. Something to think about though is a lot of in-hom providers may not like the thought that once their daycare home is closed people could still sign on. The company I use automatically stops online sign-ons after we close our doors so we don't feel like our privacy is being invaded.


    • #3
      I am a daycare provider and I think thats a great idea. I some times take pictures on my cell phone to send to the parents so they can see what they are doing. The kids would love it too.


      • #4
        I am a mother and starting a daycare. As a mother i am more against it for the fear of the wrong parent watching my children. as a daycare provider i feel that this information will save me from lawsuits. so it really depends on your stance.


        • #5
          great idea!

          I really like that idea! I am a first time mom of an 8 month old and I am currently looking for a daycare for her. That would be a big help in deciding where to send her.

          As for the wrong people watching, couldnt you just set up a password to give to just the parents?


          • #6
            No Brainer

            It is an excellent idea. In fact the center for missing and exploited children support it on their website. As well as many police agencies.

            This also helps in several aspects as people behave better if they know they are being watched, and in the event something does happen the objective eye of a camera can make identifying a suspect exact and not skewed.

            In my opinion it should be law to have surveillance cameras at day cares. Almost a no brainer.

            They cost next to nothing ($800.00 for four cameras and computer to record), and double passwords can be set up to prevent unauthorized use as well as you can track who ever logs in.

            I have spent months trying to convince Kider care to install these. At this point they are still fighting it, which leads me to believe they are more worried about "CYA" and legal implications against them then not. Kind of how Ford handled the Pinto. They think its cheaper to fight it then pay to do it right.

            Short story--put one in. Parents that understand the value of technology and how it helps will love it.


            • #7
              I agree with it being a requirement

              Our daycare is refusing to do it ias well. We originally asked about it because we suspected that the center our sun goes to is in violation. It is an unfortunate reality that governement inspectors do the minimum to ensure compliance and it is easy for the centers to "cover things up" during their inspections. As much as we pay for service $1000 month, they could afford to apease us, they just wont, as mentioned, to "CYA".


              • #8
                Originally posted by Katarain View Post
                We're thinking of opening up an in-home daycare center so that I can stay home with our 6-month old.

                We are very concerned with the safety of our own daughter, and we would be very cautious about placing her in a daycare, and we expect that many other parents would feel the same way. My husband, who is very tech-savvy, came up with the idea of setting up video cameras so that the parents could log in from work or wherever with a username and password to see the daycare environment and check on their child at any time. It would be a peace-of-mind thing. I know that I would love that sort of feature if I had to put my baby in daycare.

                But what do you other parents think? Would you appreciate such a feature at your daycare?
                Of course, that sounds like a great idea. I have a three and half year-old I could easily check on him at while I am at school or work without having to actually making a trip to his daycare.
                -Lucia from Mesa, AZ


                • #9
                  I would never allow a camera in my home, invasion of me and my familes privacy, and if the only way you can trust a provider is to "watch" her, maybe you need to reevaluate yourself and stay home with your child.


                  • #10
                    As a mother of children who had been in daycare I do not like the idea of my children being broadcast on the internet. I understand it is theoretically secure, but just not something I'd want to see.

                    As an in-home daycare provider this is also something I'm against. I have nothing to hide and my parents and potential clients are welcome to drop by anytime. They are well aware of this. My daycare kids also receive calls from their parents every once in a while, and do get to chat for a while. However I don't feel broadcasting my home on the internet is a good idea. If I had a parent who was upset that I didn't I wouldn't mind telling them they can find another daycare who will.

                    On the other hand, my husband and I have discussed closed circuit monitoring inside our home for when we finish the basement. My understanding is the idea is to make a play room down there, then when I'm cooking lunch or dinner I can keep an eye on the kids playing and perhaps to also use it in the sleeping area to take a peek during naptime without disturbing the light sleepers. I hadn't thought of recording this to prevent lawsuits as much as I had planned to use it as another set of eyes.
                    Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.

