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Just Turned 3 Cleaning Up Urine?

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  • Just Turned 3 Cleaning Up Urine?

    My daughter just turned 3. She started daycare in September. She has not had any bathroom accidents since once this summer walking at a county fair, she is toilet trained very well.

    She did have a urine accident at lunch today. The provider then made her clean it up. Also, as it has never been needed in her bag I neglected to include extra pantsthough there was extra underwear, they put her in her underwear and her coat for the rest of the day, I was surprised they didn't have any extra shorts or sweatpants there.

    It's a small (maybe 8-10 kids) husband/wife daycare. The husband appears very strict, which I noticed but haven't really minded until today.

    Should I be upset about her having to clean this up?

  • #2
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    • #3
      I would be very upset if my daughter had to clean it up I can see them putting a coat on her if you didnt' include extra pants. I have all of my parents bring extra clothes to stay here. It is highly possible that they wouldn't have extra clothes there. I would definately be sure to put those in her bag. Did they at least wash out the pants and dry them so she could wear the pants? I have done that before.


      • #4
        Thanks. Really upset about this one!


        • #5
          I don't blame you. I would find another daycare and contact licensing. Is this a licensed daycare? I think that this is ridiculous.


          • #6
            Yes they are licensed.


            • #7
              I would say that it would depend highly on the circumstances:

              The cleaning up bit...I have asked children to HELP do this if they had a lot of accidents and were really, truly potty-trained. You know, the kiddo who is too busy playing, doing the potty dance, then gives in, then pees on the floor because she was being obstinant. Now, that would be a rare exception, and like I said, I would be supervising/helping. I would not be yelling...just "oh, well, now we have to clean this up".

              As for the pants...again, it would depend.

              I have all the children keep a couple changes of clothes here, and I have a few things I bought at a resale as extras.

              However, If I remind a parent over and over that the child needs something, then they don't have it when needed, I'd be reluctant to put something of mine on them, because it wouldn't come back.

              I have one family now that just cant EVER seem to send their children in shoes that actually fit. Every time they come (once a week), one of the children has a shoe issue, usually shoes too small. We walk and play outside every day. Luckily, I have extras, or we'd ALL be stuck!


              • #8
                If it was an accident, then I would be upset.

                I would be upset about the no clothes, though. It is your responsibility to provide extra clothing. You never know when it will be needed.

                I have one child that used to intentionally pee on the floor when he got mad. I would make him help me clean it up because it was intentional.


                • #9
                  Heidi - Yes, I agree with what you are saying but in this case she's never had an accident there (last accident was months ago walking at a county fair) and we bring a bag every day that normally has extra clothes in it but has never been needed.
                  The strict father has complained to us that she takes too long eating lunch. Also, she has skipped breakfast before and when we asked about it his answer was she is 3, she should be able to decide if she wants it or not!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by lovemykidstoo View Post
                    I would be very upset if my daughter had to clean it up I can see them putting a coat on her if you didnt' include extra pants. I have all of my parents bring extra clothes to stay here. It is highly possible that they wouldn't have extra clothes there. I would definately be sure to put those in her bag. Did they at least wash out the pants and dry them so she could wear the pants? I have done that before.
                    Yes, we just totally forgot extra pants today, since they have never been needed they were easy to forget. This happened at lunch, so they just put her down for her nap in underwear and coat.


                    • #11
                      Just picked her up now (early). They told me that at 3 years old if they are old enough to say they need to go to the bathroom they are old enough to clean it up. They did make her clean herself and the floor.
                      Not sure she will be going back tomorrow!


                      • #12
                        I don't think I've ever made a child clean up their own urine. For one thing, as a provider, you want it cleaned up properly and a 3 year old would probably just spread it around more.

                        That's just wrong IMHO. They'll feel pretty bad if the child has a UTI which could have caused the accident. I would suggest a little chat with your provider.

                        As far as the extra clothes - do check your contract. Most providers require at least 1 set of spare clothes. It's not just in case of an incident like this. Different types of play things - shaving cream art, water toys, etc. may necessitate a 2nd set of clothing.


                        • #13
                          Definitely know we wrong about not having extra clothes in her bag, it was just an accident (like the urine - ). Luckily there was extra underwear in the bag.


                          • #14
                            No she should not have had to clean up urine.

                            And no she shouldn't have been left in her coat and underwear. If no clothes were available they could have called you to come get her. As much as you should have had clothes there they should have reminded you to keep a spare set on hand. I have cubbies for all my daycare kiddos and every one of them regardless of age is required to keep an extra set of clothes. What happens if they spill a glass of milk at breakfast? Get paint all over themselves or get filthy outside?

                            The fact that their response was so uncompassionate and barbaric (seriously people thought like that in the 60's, it's not normal or encouraged to be so hard edged in society today about toilet training).

                            If she were my child I would NOT be bringing her back.


                            • #15
                              I agree with the others - no way would I have one of my daycare kids clean up urine. As far having her wear her coat - I realize it's your responsibility to provide clothing, but I always keep a couple of extra pieces of clothing in different sizes just in case something like this happens. I've also been known to wash a child's soiled clothing if I have time before the end of the day.

                              I'd be asking your child about the circumstances surrounding this accident as well. I'm sure I'm reading too much into it, but what came to mind after reading your posts was that this "strict" provider may have made her wait to go to the restroom until after lunch and she couldn't hold it.

