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Unlicensed Daycare Operator is on State Disability

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  • Unlicensed Daycare Operator is on State Disability

    What should I do If a neighbor is operating an unlicensed daycare and is also on State Disability? She has told me that she has an autoimmune disease and gets tired very easily. I am concerned that she is not physically capable of caring for these children. What should I do?

  • #2
    Unlicensed Facility - What To Do?

    There is a tough answer for that. The caregiver obviously is in need of support and income but it cannot be at the expense of the children in her care. The state has strict guidelines that have to be adhered to. Suggest you contact your state's licensing agency and make them aware of an unlicensed facility. Please find your state's contact numbers at:


    • #3
      Personally, unless you have seen "something" that the provider has done wrong, it is none of your business. Living on a disability check is kind of like trying to live on a social security check, it doesn't go far enough.

      Did she tell you she was unlicensed, or are you just "assuming". You do not have to be licensed/registered in every state, and many times it depends on the number of children you care for.

      I think you need to take into consideration that the parents of the children she is caring for obviously feel she is qualified.

      I think too many times people like to make "other people's business" "their business". I don't mean to be blunt, but unless you have proof and have seen it, you have no right to mendle in her private affairs.


      • #4
        Daycare provider on disability

        I think this person who is reporting on what she "thinks" is going on in her neighbor's home,( watching children while she is supposedly collecting disability) needs to get a life, and quit worrying about what her neighbors are doing, mind her own business, and if she feels she can't control the "blab" factor, then she needs to find someone else to talk to, or to change the subject when it comes to that. Why are people so worried about what everyone else is doing? If the neighbor is responsible, as i'm sure that the children's parents have found her to be, than back off. Do you know the nature of her disability?? And did you know that even on disability a person can work and earn up to so much a month? And the subject of her being tired??? Oh, my, who doesn't get tired watching kids?? Maybe this person is trying to get off of disability, who knows??? So you better get your listening devices out, and dust of the old binoculars, and make sure you use the extra bright interrogation lights when you question her next time!! Instead, why don't you bake a lovely snack, drop on over to her house in the afternoon, or whenever you have a free moment, and give her a helping hand?? It is her business, not yours. Be an ear to listen, a hand to help, a shoulder to cry on and a zipper on your big mouth.


        • #5
          Here's the thing - if she is on disability - then she is recieving payments from the state (your tax money) AND she is also receiving child care payments ---- AND (I am sure 99%) she is NOT claiming taxes on her income!!! But - you are!!!!!!!!! And, if she is unlicensed then she should be turned in - there is a REASON she is not licensed - it's not like it's hard to accomplish. She also may not tell the parents that she has a disease - thereby putting these children at whata ya do? Turn her in 1) for not being licensed, 2) receiving double income (one without paying taxes) and 3) to possibly protect those children who's families may have no idea. If an inspector comes out - and her house is considered legal for childcare - and her doctor says 'she can work' - then there should not be an issue huh?????
          Somtimes we have to stand by our beliefs and covictions - even if it is uncomfortable.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ms.Sue View Post
            Here's the thing - if she is on disability - then she is recieving payments from the state (your tax money) AND she is also receiving child care payments ---- AND (I am sure 99%) she is NOT claiming taxes on her income!!! But - you are!!!!!!!!! And, if she is unlicensed then she should be turned in - there is a REASON she is not licensed - it's not like it's hard to accomplish. She also may not tell the parents that she has a disease - thereby putting these children at whata ya do? Turn her in 1) for not being licensed, 2) receiving double income (one without paying taxes) and 3) to possibly protect those children who's families may have no idea. If an inspector comes out - and her house is considered legal for childcare - and her doctor says 'she can work' - then there should not be an issue huh?????
            Somtimes we have to stand by our beliefs and covictions - even if it is uncomfortable.
            Now you don't have to be licensed in every state to do in home daycare. I'm not and i file my taxes whether the parents claim it or not. But i do agree that if she is on disablity and can not go out and get a job........i don't know what makes her think that she can take care of children. I do this for 12 hours(sometimes more) , 6 days a week and its a very demanding job. I understand that it is her personal bussiness but in the same breath, she is getting that money from us tax payers and its not right


            • #7
              Again, people are talking from a place of complete IGNORANCE.

              The laws have been changed quite a LOT about disability. My mother is on disability and she has received info in the mail telling her she can work and earn a certain amount of money without it changing her benefits. They actually want people to see work and re-training because it might lead to getting them off disability at some point. I don't know what the amount is because my mother never sought any work or talked with a social worker about it. But before you ruin a persons life, just mind your own business.



              • #8
                I being a taxpayer would love for her to work too!!!! But i think the issue is that there are so so many people out there that take advantage of the system. the question is it mental or physical. Cause taking care of children is very physical demanding. What if one of her children that she keeps is choking...........Do you know how physical demanding it is to do 5 min. of CPR? And if it mental............I mean really would you leave your child with someone with a mental disablity? And if she is neither of those then she is milking the system and breaking the law, and thus stealing my money and every other tax payers money. Life is not a free ride! So i think this parent has every reason to be concerned and every parent has the right to make sure that the provider taking care of their children are in the right frame of mind and stable!


                • #9
                  So damn nosy!!!

                  OMG! Get off of it! People are so worried about their tax dollars from the people who need it, what about the tax dollars you pay for gardening at the white house! Until you are a person diagnosed with a disability then you need not talk! The people that have disability were diagnosed by a doctor who thought it was in that person’s best interest not to work. So if you are not their physician, mind yours. How is what she doing bothering you? How about fighting hunger in the world or volunteering in your community! That person is just trying to make ends meet and it may very well be a huge discomfort to her/ him to do that, but could you live off the bare minimum every month? Get a life! Too much prying not enough helping! If you life was stripped away by a disability would you fight back to gain your independence?


                  • #10
                    I noticed most of the negative comments pertaining to this topic, is from unregistered viewers, so I really pay no mind to them.
                    However, there are many people who abuse the system. I'm not saying this is the case. I also know, that people on disability can earn a certain amount of money. This woman may be collecting disaility and earning more than allowed by doing childcare. And threrefore, probably not filing this income.
                    Childcare is hard work. I'm up at 5:30 and till the kids go home, it's 5pm. Then I have family obligations in the evenings. Come 8pm, I ready for bed most nights. And for anyone's 411, I am not licensed, but I'm allowed to care for 3 kids (not including my own) before being licensed. I felt with my 2, this was enough for me. I also file this at tax time even though my dcp do not. I could get my licensed and watch up to an additonal 3 children, but I know what I can safely handle. IT's not always about earning a quick, easy $1. Especially when children come into the picture. JMO


                    • #11
                      Unlicensed childcare

                      Originally posted by michael View Post
                      There is a tough answer for that. The caregiver obviously is in need of support and income but it cannot be at the expense of the children in her care. The state has strict guidelines that have to be adhered to. Suggest you contact your state's licensing agency and make them aware of an unlicensed facility. Please find your state's contact numbers at:
                      You can report them at and it's anonymous


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ms.Sue View Post
                        Here's the thing - if she is on disability - then she is recieving payments from the state (your tax money) AND she is also receiving child care payments ---- AND (I am sure 99%) she is NOT claiming taxes on her income!!! But - you are!!!!!!!!! And, if she is unlicensed then she should be turned in - there is a REASON she is not licensed - it's not like it's hard to accomplish. She also may not tell the parents that she has a disease - thereby putting these children at whata ya do? Turn her in 1) for not being licensed, 2) receiving double income (one without paying taxes) and 3) to possibly protect those children who's families may have no idea. If an inspector comes out - and her house is considered legal for childcare - and her doctor says 'she can work' - then there should not be an issue huh?????
                        Somtimes we have to stand by our beliefs and covictions - even if it is uncomfortable.
                        How in the WORLD do you know what is going on with someone elses tax return? Perhaps you are unaware, but individuals on disability are allowed to earn a certain amount of money each month! There are levels of disability...for instance, someone on FULL disability would receive full benefits, however someone who was partially disabled would only receive partial benefits and be exptected to WORK in addition to their disability check.

                        It is really, really wrong to be making these kinds of judgements about people. Try to remember that your suspicions are just that....suspicions.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Leonado Rosel
                          I totally agree with this.. Should stand and actually fight for what is right!
                          "Here's the thing - if she is on disability - then she is recieving payments from the state (your tax money) AND she is also receiving child care payments ---- AND (I am sure 99%) she is NOT claiming taxes on her income!!! But - you are! And, if she is unlicensed then she should be turned in - there is a REASON she is not licensed - it's not like it's hard to accomplish. She also may not tell the parents that she has a disease - thereby putting these children at risk.Receiving double income (one without paying taxes) and 3) to possibly protect those children who's families may have no idea. If an inspector comes out - and her house is considered legal for childcare - and her doctor says 'she can work' - then there should not be an issue.
                          Sometimes we have to stand by our beliefs and covictions - even if it is uncomfortable." Nice one Ms Sue!
                          There are several states where you DO NOT need to be licensed to provide care. I reside in one of them & possibly this person does also. I think the PP is being nosy & is using the "I'm concerned about the children" excuse when really he's concerned about his belief that she MAYBE does not pay taxes.


                          • #14
                            If you feel the need to put your nose in her business then call the government.
                            I see little people.


                            • #15
                              Unliscensed childcare and claiming disabil

                              The people who work in the government offices don't really care to investigate or even know who the right people to talk to about this would be. My step mother in law does childcare full time for a little girl and claims disability and does not report her childcare earnings, and she has told me that she doesn't want to report to the government.
                              She claims disabilty for a bulging disk in her back, but yet also has an implant in her to help her body ignore the pain. There for her disabilty shouldn't even need to be claimed.
                              I called the childcare division, social security and the fraud helpline, but they are unavailable or don't wnt to make the time to go out and investigate.
                              Why does the state set out rules that are suppose to be followed and honest people follow them but then dishonest people get away with not following them?
                              If you do childcare in your own home and are over 18 you must have central backround check on file...but then the state doesn't really care. What is up with this?

