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8 Year Old Possibly Passing Kidney Stone

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  • 8 Year Old Possibly Passing Kidney Stone

    I'm not sure if this is the correct forum to post this in. However, I'm looking for any advice on this. I took my 8 year old to the doctor about 6 months ago, but longer for what I thought was a kidney stone. He was in the floor crying with pain when he had to go potty. This happened at night and I was able to calm him, gave him tylenol and he was fine. Then next morning he took a shower and said the bubble came out when he went to potty and he felt so much better. So I thought kidney stone. Now our doctor seems to be just brushing this stuff away as nothing. They tested his urine and did find a little blood but dr said he didn't see the need to run any other tests.
    Son has been fine since.

    My mom has him today since he is out of school and said he is complaining of hurting when he has to pee. He said its not too bad but just stings a little. She said after he went to pee that there was tiny pieces of gravel type things in the bottom of the toilet (could have been anything...we aren't sure it came from him)

    I called dr again today and there's no answer. I don't think they are closed today but it wasn't during their lunch hour when I called and it went straight to voice mail. I'm not sure what to do. I know there isn't a lot that can be done about kidney stones and the dr would probably send him home but at least I would know if that's what it was and maybe change his diet or something?

    Any advice or tips are appreciated.

  • #2
    Kidney stones can look like gravel when you pass them. He needs to be seen if you think he has stones. They are not common in children. They're often diet related but you need to have your stones tested to determine the diet restrictions since there are several types.

    I would take him in and check for a bladder or kidney infection if it hurts to pee.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Meyou View Post
      Kidney stones can look like gravel when you pass them. He needs to be seen if you think he has stones. They are not common in children. They're often diet related but you need to have your stones tested to determine the diet restrictions since there are several types.

      I would take him in and check for a bladder or kidney infection if it hurts to pee.

      This def. I've had quiet a few kidney stones in the past yr or so and at one point I just wanted to was that painful!! I can't imagine a 8 yr old going through that kind of pain. If he experiences that type of pain take him to the ER. They will get him into xrays right away and test his urine to determine exactly what it is and be able to treat it accordingly. My kidney stones where bc I was dehydrated. Also bc I did not drink much water but a lot of pop. The doctor said to cut out dark pop w/caffeine. I found that I could not even drink soda's like Root Beer. If he has kidney stones he needs to see a urologist to get him on a special diet it will also be able to determine which type of kidney stones he has as there are a few diff. types caused by diff. things.


      • #4
        I've heard too much tea can cause problems. Not sure if you are from the South but I know Sweet Tea is very popular down there. It would go with the deydration as tea is a diuretic. (sp?)

