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Am I Being Too Overprotective?

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  • #16
    I would NEVER leave a 3 year old unattended. EVER. Too many things could happen and I'd never take that chance.


    • #17
      Well I totally understand ...I would think of a million things that could have happened to the child from falling off the couch to finding her in the kitchenplaying with knives. Yeah I might just be exagerating but still..what I mean is that I totally understand what you mean


      • #18
        I'm like you op-I am just way to over protective. I am a light sleeper so I wouldn't be able to sleep hearing the tv on upstairs knowing someone is watching it. Doesn't matter if hubby was the one awake. I would know that the kids would be up soon as he was. Their early risers. Not to mention my children are not comfertable being by them selves so they'd have come bouncing on the bed to wake me. We have a wonderful dog would help alert me if someone was at the door. But for me 3 yr is to young to have a child unattended. There has been way to many children that age and a little older taking them selves for a walk with out any one with them. I haven't heard of any good news about there where abouts. I think it would be best to have your hubby just pop his head in and just let you know that your little one is up and watching tv. My husband when this happens ashually puts our daughter now
        4 1/2 in bed with me if I am snoozing...but I am instantly awake from that moment..!!


        • #19
          This reminded me of a story my MIL told me about my husband.......

          When my husband was 3 his mom left for work, dad was still sleeping, she put tv on for him.

          Awhile later his dad woke up with smoke everywhere.....

          My husband was trying to make breakfast!!!! He had shoved all kinds of stuff in the toaster and it was smoking and about to catch on fire.

          There was food everywhere too!!! He told his dad he was making cookies, he had all kinds of food in his toy dumptruck....he would fill it up in the kitchen and was dumping it in the living room!!!! :: Flour, sugar, cereal, everything he could find!!!!

          Needless to say they were soon divorced!!!!!!!!

          Anyways.... I have a 3yo ds and would never leave him unsupervised EVER.


          • #20
            I wouldn't leave my kids unattended at that age. I would tell your husband you would prefer he come into the bedroom tell you he is leaving and that your child is awake and let you then decide what you would like to do about it (get up or not). When I leave early for work or to go somewhere on the weekends I always tell my hubs I am going and if our son is awake I place him in bed with my husband, that way he bugs him to get up (not me:.


            • #21
              So when you go to sleep at night, do both of you sleep at the same time? If not, then ok I could see how this might upset you. If so, then I don't get it. Sure she could have gotten into trouble, but he seems to know your child. She can also get into trouble at night when you both are sleeping and you'd never know it until after the fact. I'm not advocating leaving the baby alone all day long, but he probably figured you're in the house and you would likely awaken soon. I don't think I'd yell at him for it. I might just say "Hon, I appreciate that you wanted me to sleep in but I prefer that you wake me before you leave if (your daughter's name here)( is awake..." That way you're not coming off accusatory or putting him down, and you're still getting your point across.Welcome to parenting a preschooler.

