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New Hopeful

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  • New Hopeful

    Hello everyone,

    My name is Nicolle and I am new to the forum. I have been spending the past couple of months working on my house, and my application to become a registered day care here in suffolk county, NY.

    I received a few pages back for corrections which I just submitted two days ago. I was told that within the next 2 weeks the registrar will be out to inspect my home. I am so very nervous! I have put so much time and money and effort into all of this so afraid she will come out and say heck no! I know she will probably give me a list of things to correct by a certain date, but i just cannot get over that fear of her just out right denying me! I know there are still a few things i need to do and get and hopefully within these next 2 weeks I will have the $$ to finish up all I need and want to do.

    Any words of wisdom or advice?

    thank you so much,
    Last edited by Michael; 05-12-2011, 11:25 AM.

  • #2
    Welcome to the forum!


    • #3
      Maybe some of these threads will help:


      • #4
        Welcome Nicolle!!!

        I am in NY too!!!! Upstate, though. Near Cooperstown....

        I am in the renewal process right now....just sent in my packet of paperwork!

        Have you met your registrar yet? Mine is really nice and super helpful!

        Relax and take a deep breath!! They will not deny you...promise. The worst that will happen is that they give you a list of things you will need to correct. Did they give you a check list of what needed to be done? Just make sure you have eveything done on that list, and you'll be OK!!!

        my registrar came twice. once to check things over, and tell me what i still needed to do, and then again for the final inspection.

        it is a bit overwehelming to get everything up to code at first, but once its done, its done, you know? renewal has been much easier....just paperwork, and an inspection. dont be afraid to ask them to explain the regs, and show you where something is in the regs. some registrars interperet things differently, so dont be afraid to challenge them. ive called the state a few times to get clarity, and they are all helpful there too.

        i'm leaving today to visit my mom who's in the hospital downstate (dutchess Co) and i wont have internet access there. ( i'm so old school.....bare bones cell lap top... everyone makes fun of me for it) but we can chat Monday when i get back if you have any more specific questions, maybe i can help you out! feel free to PM me!

        good luck, and remember to relax!!! you're gonna do fine!


        • #5
          thank you so much everyone....i just started my web site today...I am sooo very excited!

          melskids- its so nice to see a fellow nyer!! I will actually be upstate next weekend ..I am a girl scout leader and our troop is going to Pine Grove ranch for the weekend...I cannot wait! I lived upstate for awhile growing up in deleware county, we lived in margaretville and in andes....i loved it...hated coming back to the island.

          Thanks so much for the words of encouragement....since this is all new to me it just makes me nervous...LOL this is something I have wanted to do for so long, and sometimes I cannot even believe I have actually made it this far...finally. So I am just so afraid of it falling through!

          I hope all is well with your mom! I would def love to chat when you get back!

          thanks again everyone!


          • #6
            Hi Nicolle! I am in Suffolk county as well! I just finished my paperwork and am submitting it today! Did you go through the childcare Council of Suffolk? How long did it take to hear back from them? I hope you will PM me so we could "talk" some more. I don't use my name on the forum just incase a parent is lurking. ya never know
            I you think my hands are full you should see my heart!


            • #7
              Hey Tulip....I sent you a pm...a few times because they are not showing in my sent messages so I am thinking you have not received them....grrr...I just tried again...I hope you got it!


              • #8
                Hi Nicolle Welcome!! Just relax and I know you can surpass this. For sure the registrar

                will just give you some corrections but not rejecting you. I hope you can give us an

                update about this.

