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New To Boards And Stressed Out

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  • New To Boards And Stressed Out

    Hello Everyone!

    A little about me:
    I have been a home povider for 6 years.
    I am 27 yrs old
    I have no children of my own.
    My "childcare home" is actualy a seperate house I own and is used only for daycare.
    I am registered with the state as a "C" and the Food Prog.
    I am partners with my Mother.
    I have my final CDA interview next Tuesday (April 5)
    It has been 3 years since I have taken a day off.

    I know I should have come looking for support before it was too late but it didn't dawn on me to reach out untill now. I know that providers have a high burn-out rate and I am very afraid I have started to reach my limit. Taking time off right now is not an option (I do have a road trip planned for Late June so I am just trying to get through the next few months.) I have a two "strong" children that seem to be testing me the most. I guess the point of this is just to join your community and get out a little venting from time to time, ask your advice, and I am goign to be reading the possitive sticky thread from start to finish! I know that I LOVE what I do. I just need some help remembering

  • #2
    Welcome this is a great place to be it has helped me out a lot. It is nice to know others going through this same thing.


    • #3
      Welcome! It's a very helpful place--and more helpful than you can imagine to just have somewhere to vent and see that others deal with the same stuff you do!

      Even if you can't actually take a day off, maybe you should take a weekend off--as soon as you close up on Friday, plan nothing for the weekend, eat out every meal so you don't mess up your kitchen, sleep, read, do whatever makes you happiest, and indulge in some major YOU time!
      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


      • #4
        Thanks that is a great idea! It will have to wait untill April 11. Right now I am living with a roomate who is an absolute dissaster! She is close friend who needed a place to stay on short notice (bad relationship) She has been with me since June and we do not have the same cleaning habbits to say the very least!!! I am so happy the end is in sight and hope that my home becomes a place I can feel peacefull in again very soon!!


        • #5
          Welcome, sorry to hear your sitch, but glad you found us.

          Warning, we are about 2 weeks from a mad house around here Pay no attention. If you don't like the conflict just steer clear for a few days around the 13th.

          If you can't get away from the mess, what about locking yourself in the bathroom and having a bath, OR, renting a hotel for the weekend, and not getting out of bed. It'll feel like a holiday. Go clothes shopping (new clothes always make me feel better). Also, check out, serious, it works.



          • #6
            mind if I ask what all the conflict will be about?


            • #7
              Originally posted by LLD View Post
              mind if I ask what all the conflict will be about?
              It was mentioned recently during a heated thread/debate that this forum has a "cycle" ::.

              See this thread: for the explanation. I can't remember the thread that originally mentioned it.

              Sorry you're so stressed out, but there is a lot of support here!


              • #8
                Originally posted by MyAngels View Post
                It was mentioned recently during a heated thread/debate that this forum has a "cycle" ::.

                See this thread: for the explanation. I can't remember the thread that originally mentioned it.

                Sorry you're so stressed out, but there is a lot of support here!
                sweet my thread is being linked! NICE....hahaha jk.

                yeah we all get crabby around mid month, and there's a lot of arguements on here. if you're not smack dab in the middle of it, then it's enjoyable. but it's like we are all either married or best friends on here, the way the love hate relationship is.


                • #9
                  HaHa funny! To be completly honest I am not the best version of myself right now


                  • #10
                    you know how women who live closely together monthly at the same time? I wonder if some how the internet can cause the same effects. .


                    • #11

                      Im laundrymom! And Im only one of the crazy goofy brilliant inspiring silly stressed overworkedfreaks on here who spend our days with kids we love who arent ours. Grab a spot on the couch and a cup of coffee. But hands off the chocolate covered potato chips,.. they are ALL MINE!!!


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
                          chocolate covered potato chips,.. they are ALL MINE!!!
                          WHAT! chocolate covered potato chips sounds deliscious (i eat chocolate covered pretzels) and I think I will kick your butt, and they are now mine!


                          • #14
                            Welcome. So sorry your stressed out. Thats a long time with no days off. You need a major bubble bath or something! I hope this foprum helps you.


                            • #15
                              Welcome!! I am new here as well and trust me, we all have gone through what you are going through and we can really help you get through it.

                              I went through the roommate thing and trust me...she was a wonderful person but 3 yrs....that was a long time to have someone living with us and....i do childcare in my home. I was stressed just having her in the house even though she was responsible and quiet. I just felt like I had to tip toe around her. Not to mention we have total diff. views on religion. wewww..I won't even go into that. !!

                              Vent away and know that we are all here for you.

