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Found My Calling?

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  • Found My Calling?

    Hello everyone!

    I recently thought of the idea to open my own home daycare in Florida in the future and let me tell you, nothing has ever seemed like such a perfect thing for me to do. I'm surprised the idea hadn't come to me sooner! I've never felt so driven and determined for any other goal. I finally feel as if I can see my future, something that I was never able to do. I hope some other people can share my joy with me!

    I'm young so I don't have a lot of money, but I'm hoping I can save enough within the next year in order to make this dream come true. I will be living with my family who will support me until I can get properly on my feet, and I am so grateful to them for being there for me.

    I'll be here to continue my research, and to ask questions when I have them. While I save up I'll be taking classes. I appreciate all the info I've gotten from here thus far, and am very excited to be part of such a great community!

  • #2
    Welcome! You'll find great people and lots of information here!


    • #3
      I felt the same way several years ago, but back then, male day care wasn't very well accepted in my area, or most areas for that matter. Now it is being accepted more, so I'm also getting ready to open up. I know it's what I would love doing because no job has ever gave me the joy I got from babysitting, so time to go pro. ::

      I hope your new future works out for you.
      Children are little angels, even when they are little devils.
      They are also our future.


      • #4
        You're so lucky to have found this forum before you start your adventure! Hopefully you'll learn from some of our mistakes and prevent yourself some lost income and regrets. I had been in childcare for 25+ years before I found and had so much learning to do.
        Good luck and welcome!!


        • #5
          Thanks so much everyone! Your positivity is very encouraging. I've definitely learned a lot already.


          • #6

