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New provider: Bumps/Bruises?

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  • New provider: Bumps/Bruises?

    Hello everyone! I am a new provider (I've been open 6 months). I have mostly younger kiddos (I was leaving a full time job to open a daycare and was worried about filling my spots). I have a 9 month old, 1 year old, and 16 month old. It seems like almost every day (well every few days anyway), someone gets a bump or a's the 9 month old rolling onto a toy and bumping his head, the 1 year old trying to walk and bumping his head or the 16 month old falling over his feet. Most of these "accidents" I see happen and there's just no way they can be prevented but I hate sending a kiddo home with a bump or a bruise and I'm worried the parents will think I'm just not watching close enough. It also sort of seems like babies bruise easier...? There's been a couple times where they'll bump their head, not even cry and it'll leave a little red mark. I know when my kiddos were in daycare, these minor things didn't worry me and I'm sure I'm overacting but I get so stressed to send a kid home even with a little mark. Any advice??

  • #2
    I have a boo boo report that I send home to cover this type of thing. I also verbally tell parents so that they are aware.

    I do this to protect myself. My dcps are understanding but I just feel better having the security of a signed sheet acknowledging that it happened, how it happened, how I treated it, and signed/returned. I go over this in interviews and explain to them that I do this.

    Sometimes it feels like overkill but I feel better having it so I keep doing it.


    • #3
      Thanks! I had thought about doing that, and would for a more serious injury (heaven forbid). The parents do seem to be understanding I just worry about what they may be thinking/feeling when their kiddo comes home with a bruise. There's just no way they can be prevented, though. For instance, one today (which prompted my post) was the 16 month old. He was just walking along, tripped over his own feet and bumped his head on the table. It wasn't even hard enough to make him cry (he whined a little) and it may not even leave a mark, but it just makes me sick to my stomach.

      I think I'll start doing the boo boo report, too, even for the minor things.


      • #4
        Do they seem worried to you when you mention it?

        I have one set that was always upset to hear about a bruise/mark/whatever. I reassured them that it was very normal for this stage of development (learning to walk, run, crawl, climb, etc). Especially outside where the ground is uneven, bulky clothing, etc.


        • #5
          For the most part, they don't really seem concerned. Mom is very understanding, dad is a little more difficult to read. I will say he's come to daycare with 2 significant bruises/cuts from home (one which he had to go to the ER for), so they know he seems to be a little more accident prone and climbs on EVERYTHING. I guess my issue, is just I don't want it happening in my care and I get so upset over it and just worry they're going to be mad. I'm hoping that's due to me being so newly opened and I'll calm down a little as time goes, .


          • #6
            Originally posted by popples1108 View Post
            For the most part, they don't really seem concerned. Mom is very understanding, dad is a little more difficult to read. I will say he's come to daycare with 2 significant bruises/cuts from home (one which he had to go to the ER for), so they know he seems to be a little more accident prone and climbs on EVERYTHING. I guess my issue, is just I don't want it happening in my care and I get so upset over it and just worry they're going to be mad. I'm hoping that's due to me being so newly opened and I'll calm down a little as time goes, .
            On one hand, I completely understand you wanting to protect yourself. By all means take a picture, and document.

            But... you have to relax Bumps and bruises happen and are normal. If you get upset/nervous/worried about them, the parents will pick up that vibe. And they may start wondering why you're so nervous, KWIM?


            • #7
              My little ones (14 months and 19 months) fall ALL the time! Sometimes it turns red and goes away, sometimes they get a little bruise. I just mention it to caregiver and that's it. No one has ever said anything other than "it happens!!"

              I do notice that they tend to be even more "stumbly" when they hit a growth spurt and are about to get taller

