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Hi From Canada

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  • Hi From Canada

    Hi everyone!! I'm a proud mom of a 9yr old boy. Now that it's a new year .. just turned 40, I wanted to get back into what I enjoy doing .. Caring for kids! Seems I've been caring for kids most of my life .. friends/family's kids!

    I recently placed an ad looking for (4) infant - preschool age. A lady responds in need of a 'sitter' for her 1yr old girl and 4yr old boy, who attends the same school as my son, every other day. I really wanted to stay away from before/after school care... have not purchased carseats and didn't plan on lugging 4 little ones to the school, plus my son.

    So being the nice person I am, changed my plan a little bit .. taking on her 2 kids plus one more, for now. I can fit 3 carseats in my car .. the long hike is just too much for little ones in the cold winter months. The mother has agreed to purchase carseats for her children.
    THEN .. the mother emails me and says her friend is willing to help her out part-time and is only charging her $45/day .. and she's debating whether or not to use me full-time or part-time .. part-time would be the days her son goes to school!! Umm .. NO!!
    I agreed to take on her kids because I can really use the money (Christmas .. uuugh) .. if she can't use me full-time I won't take them at all .. especially not for before/after school when I didn't want that in the first place.
    I've also taken a pay-cut. My fees were/are $30 a day for full day .. $20 half day up to 4hrs .. $50 a day for siblings. She talked me down to $45.

    Tell me it gets better! I just feel like I'm bending over backwards here .. and I haven't even met her yet! LOL

  • #2
    Welcome to the Forum!


    • #3
      Hi and welcome!

      How long have you been advertising? Honestly, if she's being so wishy-washy and asking for discounts and everything already, I wouldn't allow them to enroll. Parents often give clues to their later behaviors in those first couple of times you talk to them. She honestly sounds like someone that's going to want special treatment or someone that you'll always have to worry about whether she's going to pull her kids to stay with her friend. Can you wait it out and wait for someone else to call?


      • #4
        Originally posted by kendallina View Post
        Hi and welcome!

        How long have you been advertising? Honestly, if she's being so wishy-washy and asking for discounts and everything already, I wouldn't allow them to enroll. Parents often give clues to their later behaviors in those first couple of times you talk to them. She honestly sounds like someone that's going to want special treatment or someone that you'll always have to worry about whether she's going to pull her kids to stay with her friend. Can you wait it out and wait for someone else to call?
        I agree with this. Plus, don't cut your fees unless you want to do it. Even a small discount really adds up when you consider that you'll most likely have the kids in care for years.


        • #5
          I wouldn't give her a discount, those are the same rates I charge (except I charge 55 dollars for siblings) and I don't give out discounts, funny how people try to negotiate money for daycare but they won't take a pay cut at work.
          also I would pass this women along she is too wishy washy.


          • #6
            First off, Welcome!!

            There are red flags all over the place with this lady. Waiting just a little longer for someone who fits better into your plans will be worth it in the long run. Don't start off the business relationship with compromise... stick to your fees and policies right off the bat or they will ask you to bend on everything consistently!


            • #7
              IMPO, if she is asking for special treatment and discounts now before she really even knows you...just imagine what will happen once you start "working for her" ??


              • #8
                I agree. Think of the amount of a discount you are giving her, compared to waiting it out a month for someone who will pay you full price- You will make your money back within 2.5 months with a full timer paying your proper rate versus taking a cut indefinitely with this parent.


                • #9
                  Thanks so much everyone for all the advice! Just an update - I didn't take on that parent .. it got worse! She decided to go with a friend but wanted me every other day, ulternating weeks when I'd have both her kids .. then few days later after I turned her down, her husband wanted me and not the friend .. what a mess!!

                  I can't believe how long it's been since my first post! WOW - life really does happen! I'm getting back in the game after this long weekend .. my ad is re-vamped and I'm all set! Bring on the kiddies!


                  • #10
                    Wow, that has to be the longest period in between your very first post and this one.. Seven months? Welcome back!

