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Introduction and Gut Feelings?!

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  • Introduction and Gut Feelings?!

    Hello everyone I am a brand new provider though I've taken care of children of various ages for many years. I used to teach Elementary school and I have a 10yr old daughter and a 4 month old son!

    I recently got my CA license (finally, took forever) and have begun parent interviews. I've actually had quite a lot since I'm looking to take infants only for the sake of my LO so he doesn't get overwhelmed with bigger kids.

    So, I did two interviews yesterday.

    The first mother was a little awkward. She didn't ask very many questions and she seemed very guarded. I feel that some of this is that her child is precious to her...she explained that her baby was adopted after years of failed attempts at having their own...and so she seemed very particular which I can understand. We spoke for only a short while though, she had her husband come and meet me today and he was much more open so I liked him better but at the same time I can't shake this gut feeling that they just wouldn't be a good fit in my home. We have a lot of "kid" stuff around because of my daughter and since this is a HOME day care the mom just seemed really put-off by it (wait till her baby gets older LOL). But at the same time she seemed really desperate to get her child into care since she returns to work next month. Her husband let it slip that they had been calling around at centers so I get the vibe that they are basically just looking to me as their only option and that they want something more...standard...I don't want to accept their child only to turn around and either back out or decide to pull her out after only a month or two. I know this can happen no matter what with any child but I had the grandiose idea that the kids will try to 'grow-out' together.

    The second mother, on the other hand, hit it off with me right away and her child starts next week.

    I just don't know if I should accept this other child, it's been two days now with them and they still haven't really said they want a spot. I figured that if they were as desperate as they seem they would have contacted me within hours of them both having spoken to me but then....again....I get that feeling that they are just wanting to use me as a fall back and are simply waiting to see if no spots open anywhere else. I made it clear to them that if others put down deposits before they do that I cannot take their child and they actually seemed OK with me having to tell them "No" and it almost seemed like they WANT me to say "No"...if you understand that feeling?....which also makes me feel awkward :/ Sorry, this ended up being more of a rant than anything. Any one else every felt this way? What did you do? What advice can you give me? I would hate to email them and say "Sorry I don't have openings anymore!" based on this feeling if it came out that they really did need the care and were just being extra cautious. But I also don't want to invest in a bad mesh.

  • #2
    Welcome to the forum. We have many providers here from California. The forum is busy during the day. Let me know if you need anything. You can also use the TAG search for many answers that have been posted here.


    • #3
      Hello and welcome! I would keep interviewing and find the best fit for you and your family, just as they will do the same. If they decide to enroll their child and you still have an opening, then you can decide. Don't wait for them to make a decision, it's your business! I would imagine infants would be easy to fill up with. I know everybody needs infant care here. Good luck!!


      • #4
        I agree with Josie. You make the final decision as to whether or not it would be a good fit. Do you have a trial period?

        One thing I have learned.... trust my gut. It never lies.

        Good luck!

