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Newbie Here with Curriculum Questions?

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  • Newbie Here with Curriculum Questions?

    Hey Everyone! I'm new to this site. I'm still working on my education to go work in a daycare and I have to interview a daycare person....
    1. What are some tips for selecting. planning and organizing activities?
    2. What do you feel is the importance of a lesson plan?
    3. What is one conflict you have had to handle? how was it handled? what do you think you could have done to handle it better?
    Thank you for your time!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Emily Rose View Post
    Hey Everyone! I'm new to this site. I'm still working on my education to go work in a daycare and I have to interview a daycare person....
    1. What are some tips for selecting. planning and organizing activities?
    I plan activities over the weekend for the week. But sometimes I plan more than we can do, or the kids are really into on activity and I won't stop them just to go to the next planned activity. We will get to any we missed on another day or another week. I don't rush them.
    2. What do you feel is the importance of a lesson plan?
    My lesson plans are mostly to keep me organized. Like I said above, the kids kind of lead me. Without a plan though I am scratching my head wondering what is next and then it gets hard for things to flow like I would like them to.
    3. What is one conflict you have had to handle? how was it handled? what do you think you could have done to handle it better?
    Not sure what you mean. Conflict between children? Conflict with parents? For children it totally depends on each situation every child and their conflicts with others are different. Usually redirection works. With parents, there always seems some conflict but that is why I have policies and follow them to the best of my ability.
    Thank you for your time!
    My answers are in red, hope that helps.


    • #3
      1. What are some tips for selecting. planning and organizing activities?
      Follow the children's interests and plan based on their developmental levels. Don't be offended or take it personally if they're not interested in something you planned - just let it go.

      2. What do you feel is the importance of a lesson plan?
      So there's some planning for learning, and something to pull out if free play starts to get nuts.

      3. What is one conflict you have had to handle? how was it handled? what do you think you could have done to handle it better?
      Basically I try to let children handle their own conflicts. I support and rephrase to foster communication, and make sure the conflict doesn't escalate.


      • #4
        Originally posted by AmyKidsCo View Post
        1. What are some tips for selecting. planning and organizing activities?
        Follow the children's interests and plan based on their developmental levels. Don't be offended or take it personally if they're not interested in something you planned - just let it go.

        2. What do you feel is the importance of a lesson plan?
        So there's some planning for learning, and something to pull out if free play starts to get nuts.

        3. What is one conflict you have had to handle? how was it handled? what do you think you could have done to handle it better?
        Basically I try to let children handle their own conflicts. I support and rephrase to foster communication, and make sure the conflict doesn't escalate.
        everything she said...

        learn to observe and take notes of what the children do and don't like. then plan from there. follow there interest...

        2. routines and structure that is flexible

        3.two kids fighting over one toy, depending on the age of the children would determine how I would deal with it. How old are the kids in this case? that is detrimental to this question for me to answer it.


        • #5
          1. What are some tips for selecting. planning and organizing activities?
          Follow the children's interests and plan based on their developmental levels. Don't be offended or take it personally if they're not interested in something you planned - just let it go.

          I have a planned format for the weeks activities that I prepare on the weekend, or the week before. I select the theme based on the season, holiday, kids interests (OK, we just did Trucks and Monster Trucks). Organizing depends on your age levels, and will really count on the structure of your center's (my room actually) set up. But prepare the night or morning before children arrive. I plan/base all my activities on creativity, child led learning, different developmental stages, and different learning capabilities (Johnny learns through music, let's sing the letter C song, Suzie learns through sensory, lets glue Cotton Balls on this already cut out letter C, Tommy learns through movement, lets and walk - toe to toe on the letter C (have a large letter C that you made with blue tape on the ground).

          2. What do you feel is the importance of a lesson plan?
          So there's some planning for learning, and something to pull out if free play starts to get nuts.
          Just remember.... Be flexible... the children will let you know what is working and not. and if you notice free play going nuts 3 days in a row, restructure or retime free play. do you have it right before lunch, for example? important - there is a good course on that focuses on lesson planning. But it is a proven fact children learn the best when they are experimenting, they are hands on, keeping active, engaged. So for Math, instead of a worksheet, have one child find 2 red items and 1 child find 2 blue items, now how many items. You have covered many different areas of learning in one 'teaching' session.

          3. What is one conflict you have had to handle? how was it handled? what do you think you could have done to handle it better?
          I thought I was doing great at this until I got two boys that feed off each other, poke each other, push, etc... . in one word - Lovenly. I let them know I love them, but if it causes a safety issue, then I need to step in and WE need to find a resolution. 1 time a little 4 year old kept running, after 3 attempts to remind him about walking feet, I grabbed his duplo airplane and put IT on the counter to rest. IT was in the no fly zone. And his pilot needs to stay by the plane, and have a talk to the plane about listening to Ms. Michelle about the safe areas to fly in.
          I don't know where I came up with this thought, but the cutest little voice started talking to his plane on how important it was not to run in the kitchen by the hot stove, and he needs to listen better to be safe. I was so proud of this four year old, I gave him a big hug, his plane back, and sent him on his way to play. He didn't run again - at least that day.

          I hope this helped. If you want me details on preparing a lesson plan, please feel free to contact me.
          Blooming Kids

