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I've Been Watching You! :)

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  • I've Been Watching You! :)

    Hello, I've been lurking for the last month or so, reading all kinds of excellent information as I began my journey into the daycare provider world! I was beginning to feed like a bit of a peeping tom so I figured it was time to reveal myself! happyface
    My name is Tami, I'm 27 years old, and I'm brand new to all of this. I've been babysitting off and on for the last 15 years, and have seven(soon to be eight, just found out today that my baby sister is pregnant again!) nephews ranging in age from 2 to 11, so I have plenty of experience with children.
    This is a profession that I love and I'm so glad I decided to do this. I just wish I could get more enrollments! I will be taking the courses required by Wisconsin(where I live) in January to become a licensed provider, and in the mean time, I'm abiding by all rules that make me exempt from needing a license. But, I think not having a license right now is really harming me. I started my daycare in the beginning of August, and so far, I have 1 full time boy, and I had 2 full time boys up until 3 weeks ago when the family financial situation changed and they could no longer afford care. But, I also think I may be incredibly underpriced and I think that might be deterring people from my program.

    Oops, I got a little off track. Anywho, I have an amazing, wonderful, supportive boyfriend(soon to be fiancé I hope!) who has been so amazing throughout this whole process. We don't have any children of our own yet(I think that's also working against me) but we plan to in the future. But for right now we have two naughty dogs, Travis and Charlie. :: I find this profession to be so rewarding, it's getting paid to do what I love, which is care for children! The one DCB I have right now, who is 15 months old, is the sweetest, smartest little boy I have ever met. It's been so cool teaching him new things and watching him as all the pieces start to fit together and he starts remembering what he's learning!
    Anyways! I just thought I'd give a quick introduction to get rid of my peeping tom status, and say hello, so....

  • #2
    Hi! And welcome! I'm so glad you're here and ready to jump in!


    • #3
      Hi Tami!
      You'll get enrollments, sometimes when you're new it takes awhile to build up a reputation. Tell your current(and former if you remain in contact) to help spread the word, maybe even ask if they'd be willing to write up a letter of reference or if you could give their number out to prospective clients.
      Good luck! I'll be waiting to hear all your new fresh ideas. I've been doing this for a long time(some days far too long Lol) and you sound energetic and enthusiastic.


      • #4
        Welcome Tami and best of luck to you in your new business!

        My advice- Don't short change yourself. I'm on the high end of FCC in my area, and my clients all say "you get what you pay for." Rates are 20-50 day (unlicensed to centers). I charge 35/day for 5 days and up to 50/day drop in or 2 days/week.

        Check our your 'competition'. Don't steal () but browse websites and ads to see what's 'hot' in your area and what you're willing to offer (eg. food, program, hours, philosophy). I do prek, and that's BIG here. So is JUST 0-3 care, but basic family child care is not. If I took a single baby, I wouldn't have the full/waiting list enrollment that I have.

