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Non Stop Crying and Pick Up

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  • Non Stop Crying and Pick Up

    I posted a few days back about a mom that decided to put her 10 month on milk because she didn't want to do formula any longer. I stood my ground and told her I needed a doctors note. Well she brought me a note that said she could start introducing it to her and to start small and gradually get to half and half. In that weeks time, the mom has tried whole milk, 2%, almond,coconut, 1%, skim and then back to 2%. The baby has had an issue with each and every one they have given her. Now we are on the 2% and formula, and It is a nitemare. This baby crys non stop. She has always been a fussy baby, but now its so much worse. Now I can't even get her to nap because she is just fussy all the time. I tried to bring this up to mom and mom snapped at me and said well shes fine at home so I don't know why she is so fussy here. I don't think the mom understands that I have her for 11 hours a day and by the time she goes home, they feed her dinner and then she goes to bed about an hour later. Then on the weekends the kids go to grandmas for the weekend every weekend. So this mom doesn't spend more then a few hours at a time with these girls and would have no clue as to how her baby acts. I have told her over and over that she is not doing well on the milk and she just goes off on me and says she doesn't have an issue at home. So she crys and crys. I feed her breakfast, lunch. Yesterday she ate 2 large jars of baby food. She is a very big baby. She is the size of my 2 year old, weighs about 37 lbs and is walking already. So she is not a small kid. I am at a total loss as to what to do. I really want to call for pick up and turn it around on them, but if they don't figure out the milk thing its not going change, and I can't afford to term, but at the same time I can't keep this baby knowing shes miserable and there isn't anything I can do. She spits up the milk all the time (she has never spit up before) she was a good sleeper( now she won't sleep at all) and now she eaither has diarrhea, or is constipated. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. I will term if it comes down to it, but I want to know I tried everything first. Should I put her on probation?

  • #2
    Originally posted by cara041083 View Post

    she didn't want to do formula any longer.

    It is a nitemare.

    mom snapped at me

    she just goes off on me
    This is an adult care issue.

    You are a child care provider.

    You can't redirect an adult. I'd be done with DCM.

    The kid issues are easy, the mom issues can't be fixed. No guilt. lovethis
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • #3
      If she has diarrhea , that would be a reason to send her home . Here it is in our regulations to send the child home .


      • #4
        I agree with Cat Herder.

        Be done.

        This is NOT worth it.

