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Tell New Mom?

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  • Tell New Mom?

    Quick question. I have a 6 week old dcg and a 10 month old dcg. Come middle of Sept I'm suppose to add on anothet infant. He will be the same age as my youngest dcg (5 months old in Sept). I can have up to 4 infants at a time. I interviewed both sets of parents and decided first come first serve. However,they both wanted a spot. Knowing how fickle daycare can be,I accepted both. But I'm afraid Sept mom will not be happy about another infant the same age as hers here in daycare. She is a first time mom, interviewed many Providers before me, reminded me how hard it was to conceive ( her miracle baby) and asked lots of questions. Don't get me wrong,she was very nice and pleasant but not very warm and fuzzy so I really didn't think she would come here. We have a very loud,busy household and i already had one infant ( I hadn't heard from the other family at that time) Honestly,even after paying her deposit, she didn't call for weeks and I expected the call to be a "I've changed my mind" call.
    So should I tell her about the other baby? I'm losing 3 kids to school in Sept and I can really use the money. Plus,I'm kind of looking forward to having an infant only group. What do you all think? I feel like I'm deceiving her in some way. Am I being selfish?

  • #2
    I'm Julie, by the way


    • #3
      This is how I announce new children:
      "I'm happy to announce we've enrolled another child, _________, who is ____ mo. old. Please help me welcome _____and her family."

      Assume she'll be thrilled. It's not really up to her how many infants you take. It's up to you to decide what's right for you and the group.


      • #4
        I would say it as a positive. Such as: its going to be great having these two together they will learn so many new things together and will become such great friends! It's nice to have all the kids about the same age, that way we can adapt our program/play for their age group. The more positive you are about it hopefully mom will look at it that way too!


        • #5
          She is trusting YOU with her child's care, regardless of others enrolled. That means she trusts your judgement above all others she interviewed. Surely she wouldn't think you would never have children to leave or new ones to stay?? Make it positive, like racemom said!
          Oh my gosh, it's going to be so great having these little guys together!
          They're going to be fast friends and great buddies, i just know it!


          • #6
            I wouldn't say anything. I am assuming you told her that your max number of children allowed is 4 children (and you are caring for a full house right now) so it should be no surprise that you have other kids there in the fall. You didn't promise her a certain number or her baby as the only baby did you? If she is upset, just remind her that you are within state regulations and there is some turnover within daycare. Every now and then there will be a new face but again, you will always commit to being within state regulations. You can't promise that your current group/age/gender ratio of kids will always be the same. Big kids go off to school, babies are added to the group, it is just the nature of daycare. I wouldnt say a thing about it unless she asks. You aren't doing anything wrong. If she really feels uncomfortable, she can withdraw and find a new daycare.....good luck with that on a late notice after she already interviewed all over town.

            Dont get baited into catering for a demanding mom. You do your thing and she can take it or leave it.

            Also, at interviews, never detail every other child in care. Always let parents know the max number you can take "Right now I have 3 children ages 1 to 4 . The max number I would ever take is 4 children under age 4" or whatever. dont let parents get their heart set on their baby being the only baby or whatever current scenario because that could change at any day.


            • #7
              Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
              I wouldn't say anything. I am assuming you told her that your max number of children allowed is 4 children (and you are caring for a full house right now) so it should be no surprise that you have other kids there in the fall. You didn't promise her a certain number or her baby as the only baby did you? If she is upset, just remind her that you are within state regulations and there is some turnover within daycare. Every now and then there will be a new face but again, you will always commit to being within state regulations. You can't promise that your current group/age/gender ratio of kids will always be the same. Big kids go off to school, babies are added to the group, it is just the nature of daycare. I wouldnt say a thing about it unless she asks. You aren't doing anything wrong. If she really feels uncomfortable, she can withdraw and find a new daycare.....good luck with that on a late notice after she already interviewed all over town.

              Dont get baited into catering for a demanding mom. You do your thing and she can take it or leave it.

              Also, at interviews, never detail every other child in care. Always let parents know the max number you can take "Right now I have 3 children ages 1 to 4 . The max number I would ever take is 4 children under age 4" or whatever. dont let parents get their heart set on their baby being the only baby or whatever current scenario because that could change at any day.
              Perfect answer!

