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  • Help!

    I just started a nanny position a couple weeks ago and I don't know what to do. I think the 2 young boys I'm caring for may have Aspergers. I'm not certain but they have many of the symptoms. They are 3 & 5.
    The parents have told me they don't speak well and are a little behind but I think it's more than that and they may not know. I really cannot lose my job. I just don't know how to bring this up to the parents.
    The 5 yr old, he is very organized and has to have everything a certain way. He will go as far as to hide stuff. He's very neat. All he eats is fries. If I say no he has big tantrums. He is very fixated on the color red, everything red or it's a tantrum

    The 3 yr old, he is very fixated on one thing and that's Nickelodeon. It's the only word he says and he says it over and over again. He can spell it with magnet letters and it's all he will write. ( I will make dash letters to teach them their abc's and numbers etc ) he's so fixated on it. He also won't make direct eye contact. If I do he will cover his eyes or look away or say no. He cries a lot. If he doesn't understand or if he is confused that's when he will whine.

    Both boys can not speak clearly. It sounds like jibber jabber. I will give a order or ask a question and it seems they can't connect what I'm saying to the action. The same as when you say C is for cat. They don't know letters, numbers or animals very well. Neither boy will wear pants and they change their underwear after they go potty every time. (Lots of laundry) everything is repetitive. And they mumble a lot to themselves.

    Any help or advice is appreciated

  • #2
    If you post this in the main forum area you will get a lot more replies Maybe you can copy and paste into a new post? IMO the Dr. would see these things at the yearly check ups, I wonder if the parents do know and just didn't tell you...


    • #3
      Former nanny here. You need to talk to these parents, but you also need to start getting some things in order around there. I don't know what your living situation is, but if you are truly a "nanny" and not just a sitter, you're responsible for those kids.

      They have to stop with the underwear changing, they have to start using words to communicate. Do you have a degree? Use it to pressure the parents into listening to you. You've really got to stand up and take charge.


      • #4
        I would sit down and have a long talk with the parents. I would bring up all the issues you are concerned about and see if they can get a medical diagnosis for any of the issues.

        Eating only fries is so bad. I would not allow fries at all, the 5yo will eat when he gets hungry with what is put in front of him.

        No tv effective immediately because that is what it seems like the 3yo is fixated on.

        Next would be finding out why they change every time they use the restroom. May be a quirk, I had a kid that would have to change if even one drop of pee/water/dirt was on any article of clothing, a clean freak to say the least.

        With the no speaking, lots of repetition. That is what I do with my kids. They scream or cry I respond with let's use our nice words and then say what I want them to say. Now it just takes the reminder to use their nice words and they don't need to hear me say the rest. It has taken a long time though to get to that point. Along with that, you need to talk. A lot. Every little action. I'm getting milk from the fridge. I am pouring milk into a cup. Now you can drink the milk. Can you say thank you? Just interact every single moment and talk all the time even the most mundane tasks like laundry. Have the kids help with sorting or putting clothes in the washer. Get them involved.

        To teach letters/numbers/shapes, it goes along with the talking. During play describe the object like blue ball or red car. Start the connection going in their heads to learn. I wouldn't worry about writing write now in all honesty because there are more important things that need to be dealt with.

        Just my two cents from 10 years as a nanny and babysitter, plus my time in a daycare center and now running my own for the past 10 months

