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Air condition?

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  • Air condition?

    I have a family that doesn't have air condition because it broke. They bring there daughter (age 1) around 10:30 everyday. She is drip sweating, cranky, and you can tell she is miserable. Right now its in the high 80's. but it will get close to 100 with in a few weeks. Im so scared this poor baby is gona have a heat stroke. I asked the mom when they are going to fix it and her response was Oh we have fans and really don't see the need to fix it this year. Now I get that people can survive with out it. But last week they brought her and she was asleep and her mom had a hard time waking her up. After she finally woke up, she was a bear until she had cooled off. Her skin is hot to the touch. Would you guys report them? I don't think they are neglecting her but I also don't think its right to chance the heat with a 1 year old who doesn't know how to cool her self the way an adult would. What do you guys think

  • #2
    I could never live comfortably without my AC, but it's a luxury. Heat in the winter is a necessity, but AC isn't. Growing up, my family never turned the AC on... I think that's why I'm so addicted to it. It's hot and sticky and miserable, but as long as you're drinking plenty of fluids and there is good air circulation it's fine.

    Now, I do think if the temp indoors is above 100 or so then that's too hot. And if she's lethargic and difficult to wake up then that's crossing the line.


    • #3
      Suggest spritzing with a water bottle, cool cloths, etc.


      • #4
        Would they qualify for assistance in getting it fixed? Would there be a church in the area willing to get them a window a/c? - St Vincent dePaul?
        I have lots of neighbors without a/c. You do get use to it We didn't have a/c growing up.
        Maybe call the health dept and see if they have any literature on heat and babies.


        • #5
          Im not sure if they could get help or not. They are a family that don't alot of money, but what they do have they don't spend it wisely. They will go out and eat at a place that would cost them over $50.00 to eat because its good food, but don't have the money to buy food for there kids to snack on if that makes any sense. And as far as extra fluids, I would hope they are giving her extra but this is a mom that does what statistics say and has read somewhere that a 1 year old only needs 18 oz of fluid a day(she told me this) but that was in winter. Hopefully she is giving her more now. I guess I just worry for her, and its really not my call


          • #6
            I would probably do some "leg work" for them. Give her phone numbers etc. Or like I said contact the health dept for literature.


            • #7
              Originally posted by MrsSteinel'sHouse View Post
              I would probably do some "leg work" for them. Give her phone numbers etc. Or like I said contact the health dept for literature.
              Thank you! I will do it.


              • #8
                Report them for not having air conditioning? I'm sorry, but AC is a luxury. Do you know that people all over the world survive in much warmer weather without it?


                • #9
                  In my area many schools don't have a/c. They open windows, offer bottle water, use tons of box fans. I'm betting thrift stores, CL, garage sales may have a used unit. Suggest she look or if you find something send her the info. Very kind of you to be thinking of how to help this family & her children be more comfortable in this heat.

