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Returning Member

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  • Returning Member

    It's been 3 years since I have been in childcare or a member here. I own and operate my own daycare/preschool and closed it to travel with my DH and 2DD. Now that he may relocate to Spokane, WA nearly 23hrs from the grandchildren it is time to return and reopen daycare. My grandson is 7 months and my DD is more than ready for grandma to take over care. Looking forward to my daily visits here. I know I found much comfort, help and ideas in the past.

    My first question to all you well established and greatly organized (LOL) ladies is; How do you organize your curriculum and craft ideas, worksheets etc. I am starting over from scratch pretty much. I categorized ideas by Holidays, Months, Seasons, Themes etc. I even planned out next years entire year of curriculum, but I have NO IDEA how I want to organize it. Folders, Binders, Baskets etc. HELP! would love photo ideas. Oh, and space has become an issue because at least for now upon our return to Iowa I plan to live at the daycare. (It is a 3 1/2 bedroom small home) So file cabinet and desk will have to go.

  • #2
    Welcome to the forum (or back since you've been here before)

    I am no help with organization.....I have an entire house dedicated to just child care and I still feel like I have stuff (paperwork etc) everywhere.


    • #3
      I you like, l can get your old account going for you if you know the email or username.


      • #4
        Originally posted by colorboxdaycare View Post
        It's been 3 years since I have been in childcare or a member here. I own and operate my own daycare/preschool and closed it to travel with my DH and 2DD. Now that he may relocate to Spokane, WA nearly 23hrs from the grandchildren it is time to return and reopen daycare. My grandson is 7 months and my DD is more than ready for grandma to take over care. Looking forward to my daily visits here. I know I found much comfort, help and ideas in the past.

        My first question to all you well established and greatly organized (LOL) ladies is; How do you organize your curriculum and craft ideas, worksheets etc. I am starting over from scratch pretty much. I categorized ideas by Holidays, Months, Seasons, Themes etc. I even planned out next years entire year of curriculum, but I have NO IDEA how I want to organize it. Folders, Binders, Baskets etc. HELP! would love photo ideas. Oh, and space has become an issue because at least for now upon our return to Iowa I plan to live at the daycare. (It is a 3 1/2 bedroom small home) So file cabinet and desk will have to go.
        I don't do themes/curriculum per se as I have a play care kind of situation. However, we do plenty.

        I like to file things but you said you want to get rid of file cabinet. I'd keep it. I file my construction paper (one color in each folder). Also any worksheets (a few). One folder is for craft ideas I might want to use or cool activities I might want to try. If you go on Pinterest for ideas just file them electronically there online. No mess! I do that too.

        For holiday/seasonal related items, I have those clear plastic drawer chests (deep ones). I also use them for things like playdough. I can just pull out the drawer and it has all playdough related gear in it. Then just slip it back in when finished. A clear shoe bag on the back of a door works for little things like crayons, scissors, glue bottles, etc.

        If you have an extra chest of drawers or just a free drawer in one of them that works for games, etc. I have an old chest and use the whole thing.

        If you are short on space you could buy some of those plastic containers that have wheels and roll under your bed. Or if you have some regular closet space, you can hang tote bags (or even plastic grocery bags) on a hanger and hang the hanger on your clothes pole thingy.



        • #5
          Thank you Michael, I only remember that it was [email protected] but this is fine with the new account. No need to go to the extra work.

          Thank you Laurel I will be utilizing some of your ideas for storage.

