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The Flu

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  • The Flu

    quick question. I have a family that I watch there 1 year old, and they also have a 6 year old. Both kids share a room. The 6 year old has been home with the flu yesterday and today and they have still brought her to me. My fear is that she is going to bring the tummy bug to me. Would you guys make them keep her home, or would you let her come until she starts showing signs of it?

  • #2
    This is such a hard situation for me. On one hand a lot of providers day not to exclude unless they have symptoms, on the other most illnesses are most contagious before they show symptoms. I never know what to do and it always comes down to how my backbone feels at the moment. I always exclude if they can't function during daycare, have a fever, vomiting or diarrhea but the rest of the time it depends on me, the family, future plans (like if we're planning a trip), recent days off etc. When situations like this arise.


    • #3
      Originally posted by nanglgrl View Post
      This is such a hard situation for me. On one hand a lot of providers day not to exclude unless they have symptoms, on the other most illnesses are most contagious before they show symptoms. I never know what to do and it always comes down to how my backbone feels at the moment. I always exclude if they can't function during daycare, have a fever, vomiting or diarrhea but the rest of the time it depends on me, the family, future plans (like if we're planning a trip), recent days off etc. When situations like this arise.
      See normally this is how I feel as well, however this lil one puts EVERYTHING in mouth. I feel like I can see the germs spreading . I have tried to give her her own set of toys, so I can clean them as soon as she leaves, but it never fails someone or somehow its gets messed with by another kids. But you are also right. By the time she shows signs, we probley already have it anyway so I shouldn't worry about it


      • #4
        This is such a hard situation for me. On one hand a lot of providers day not to exclude unless they have symptoms, on the other most illnesses are most contagious before they show symptoms. I never know what to do and it always comes down to how my backbone feels at the moment. I always exclude if they can't function during daycare, have a fever, vomiting or diarrhea but the rest of the time it depends on me, the family, future plans (like if we're planning a trip), recent days off etc. When situations like this arise.


        • #5
          There's also a big difference between "the flu" and a stomach bug even though many people use the term interchangeably. The flu presents with a moderate fever, cough, cold symptoms, lethargy, etc. and a stomach virus usually doesn't come with a fever or cold symptoms. Usually it comes out of the blue. Stomach ache/cramps for a bit and then vomiting followed by diarrhea.

          If they share a room either virus could easily be transmitted to a sibling, but without symptoms there isn't much you can do but be vigilant that if they show any signs of being ill (not eating as usual, not napping as usual, grumpy, lethargic, etc) that you send home and hope the parents understand in group care you have to exclude to avoid spreading the illness. Washing hands is the biggest way to prevent the spread of illnesses. Can you kinda barricade the little one and give him only so many toys (like you're already doing) but explain to the other kids that they can ONLY have these toys?


          • #6
            Originally posted by TwinKristi View Post
            There's also a big difference between "the flu" and a stomach bug even though many people use the term interchangeably. The flu presents with a moderate fever, cough, cold symptoms, lethargy, etc. and a stomach virus usually doesn't come with a fever or cold symptoms. Usually it comes out of the blue. Stomach ache/cramps for a bit and then vomiting followed by diarrhea.

            If it were a regular contagious illness, I do NOT exclude when other non-attending family members are ill.

            99.9% of contagious illnesses are contagious BEFORE symptoms appear so more than likely your DCG has already exposed everyone, even if she herself isn't sick or showing symptoms.

            I also don't exclude because not all kids get sick when exposed. My DD would get strep every time it went around. My DS never ever got it.

            If it is the actual flu, then I exclude until the household is ALL better. I have several kids with compromised immune systems as well as my DH so for serious illnesses like that, I exclude the WHOLE family until WHOLE family is healthy.

