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Daycare as a second business, why not!

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  • Daycare as a second business, why not!

    Hi and hello!

    I'm homeschooling mom already running a (somewhat seasonal) business from home. I've found that at this age (my daughter is 3) I have a very hard time concentrating on work during her waking hours. Not sure why this is a surprise to me.

    I've decided to offer in home care starting next month, so there will be a pretty big upheaval taking place here! We are currently on no kind of schedule. Sometimes we're all in bed at 9:00, sometimes the adults stay up until 2:00. Sometimes my daughter's up at 7:00, other times not until 10:30. We all like to nap

    I have a teenage son who sometimes sleeps until 2:00 pm but I guess that isn't unusual

    I suppose we're different than what most people think of as 'homeschool' in that we don't do 'school-at-home' nor do we follow any sort of curriculum. We are pretty much self directed learners with Waldorf/Montessori tendencies.

    I've figured out most of what I need to get started, rates/hours, policies, menus. i am going to market the daycare as on the higher end but I am completely stuck when it comes to a name! I need the name so I can make a website and start advertising, so I'll take any suggestions anyone wants to throw my way. I want something that sends the perfect message!

    This is an exciting new adventure for us and we can't wait to get started!

  • #2
    Originally posted by mjzzyzoff View Post
    Hi and hello!

    I'm homeschooling mom already running a (somewhat seasonal) business from home. I've found that at this age (my daughter is 3) I have a very hard time concentrating on work during her waking hours. Not sure why this is a surprise to me.

    I've decided to offer in home care starting next month, so there will be a pretty big upheaval taking place here! We are currently on no kind of schedule. Sometimes we're all in bed at 9:00, sometimes the adults stay up until 2:00. Sometimes my daughter's up at 7:00, other times not until 10:30. We all like to nap

    I have a teenage son who sometimes sleeps until 2:00 pm but I guess that isn't unusual

    I suppose we're different than what most people think of as 'homeschool' in that we don't do 'school-at-home' nor do we follow any sort of curriculum. We are pretty much self directed learners with Waldorf/Montessori tendencies.

    I've figured out most of what I need to get started, rates/hours, policies, menus. i am going to market the daycare as on the higher end but I am completely stuck when it comes to a name! I need the name so I can make a website and start advertising, so I'll take any suggestions anyone wants to throw my way. I want something that sends the perfect message!

    This is an exciting new adventure for us and we can't wait to get started!
    So you are more of the "unschool" movement. I have always been very interested in that.

    My favorite names are ones that are natural. I don't like the cheesy/cutesy names. There is a Sprouts/Oakcrest/ etc that I really like. I will be thinking of words like that, that also fit with your free/play based style. Ours is simply XX Family Daycare. Can you throw me/us some more words associated with you and your style ? Are you heavy on arts and crafts or natural outdoorsy play, etc. ?

    This is not meant to be negative in any way, but marketing on the higher end from the beginning can't be rather difficult. Most providers start out on the lower rate end, and then as their experience and program grows - then they demand higher rates. Most provides use lower rates to fill up initially, because they need the income. However, if you are only adding to existing income and not in a huge hurry to fill spots, it sounds like it won't be a problem, and you can just wait for families that are looking for high-end care.


    • #3
      I'm currently running 3 businesses. Full time home renovations, part time web hosting/design, and odds n ends photography. I'm quitting the home renovations in a few months to go to daycare and the other 2 will stay part time. That gives me a little safety until I get my daycare established.

      For a business/domain name, you want something that is easy to remember when heard and something that gives a good impression when heard. You want it to say something about you or your business. Mine is Little Angels Daycare because to me all children are angels, even when they are brats.
      Children are little angels, even when they are little devils.
      They are also our future.


      • #4
        Originally posted by blandino View Post
        So you are more of the "unschool" movement. I have always been very interested in that.

        Yes, we are. It has been wonderful for our almost-teenage son! He was in school for the first 4 years then we pulled him out. There were a coupe years of "de-schooling" where we all had to release and change our preconceptions of education and learning, but now we are seeing the wonderful effects of the interest based approach. He is 12 years old and so far has run his own business, helps both me and my mother run ours, reads adult novels voraciously, plays four hours with his little sister (without prompting), is building a computer from scratch as well as making movies, and is basically just awesome. There are so many wonderful things about unschooling, I can't even begin to describe them!

        My favorite names are ones that are natural. I don't like the cheesy/cutesy names. There is a Sprouts/Oakcrest/ etc that I really like. I will be thinking of words like that, that also fit with your free/play based style. Ours is simply XX Family Daycare. Can you throw me/us some more words associated with you and your style ? Are you heavy on arts and crafts or natural outdoorsy play, etc. ?

        Here's my list I've come up with so far:
        Life Learning
        TJ education
        nurturing mind, body, spirit*
        Beautiful minds

        This is not meant to be negative in any way, but marketing on the higher end from the beginning can't be rather difficult. Most providers start out on the lower rate end, and then as their experience and program grows - then they demand higher rates. Most provides use lower rates to fill up initially, because they need the income. However, if you are only adding to existing income and not in a huge hurry to fill spots, it sounds like it won't be a problem, and you can just wait for families that are looking for high-end care.
        Yes, I do understand that, and trust me I've had my doubts! But I don't need the income and I feel I'm in an area that has a shortage of care options, and can support what I'm envisioning. I run my other business as very high end and while I didn't start out that way, I quickly realized I wasn't charging what I was worth and within 6 months of opening started raising my rates 10% twice a year until I got to my current pricing.

        I haven't advertised at all, obviously since I'm still in the naming phase, and I already have my first interview scheduled


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mike View Post
          I'm currently running 3 businesses. Full time home renovations, part time web hosting/design, and odds n ends photography. I'm quitting the home renovations in a few months to go to daycare and the other 2 will stay part time. That gives me a little safety until I get my daycare established.
          My other business is photography and I used to do web design/hosting as well!


          • #6
            How about

            XX's (your name's) Natural Learning Academy/school/

            XX's Life Learning childcare/Academy/school/


            • #7
              Originally posted by mjzzyzoff View Post
              Yes, I do understand that, and trust me I've had my doubts! But I don't need the income and I feel I'm in an area that has a shortage of care options, and can support what I'm envisioning. I run my other business as very high end and while I didn't start out that way, I quickly realized I wasn't charging what I was worth and within 6 months of opening started raising my rates 10% twice a year until I got to my current pricing.

              I haven't advertised at all, obviously since I'm still in the naming phase, and I already have my first interview scheduled
              Beautiful Beginnings?

              Will you take infants? If so, are you AP? That, right there, may be a selling point, because most of us who do group care DONT do that. You could have a much smaller group and charge more.


              • #8
                XX's Natural/life Learning Playplace

