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Sibling has Contagious Parasite!

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  • Sibling has Contagious Parasite!

    Hi all! I have been put in such an awkward position...DKB is currently 20 mos old..I have cared for him since he was 4 mos. He has an older sister that attends kinder and after school goes to another daycare facility. Mom notified me Monday evening that sister has pimworms! Says baby does not but claims to have treated him with otc meds along with sister Sunday. I didn't have time to research pinworms until nap time Tuesday. I now know how contagious this is in daycares and schools! I immediately called her school nurse of the little girls school to let them know bc I know she didn't and had no intention to. Nurse promised me it would remain private and my name wouldn't be brought up and thanked me for letting her know bc the whole classroom needed to be specially im feeling guilty bc I didnt call her daycare also. Im almost certain they would tell this woman called and she is not pleasant to deal with (has turned in previous providers for minor things). I can see her starting trouble with me over this and right now is not the time for me to deal with work drama. The school nurse mentioned that 48 hrs after treatment they have to allow the little girl back. Well im not comfortable with that at all! The baby has shown no signs thus far. But ive read it could take 1 to 2 mos to actually see worms. Until then he could still have eggs and or worms internally and is still exposed to the eggs from sister at home (not the cleanest mom, so I doubt shes on top of preventing the spread of eggs). If I have no proof other than my paranoia can I prevent this child from coming to my home daycare just bc sibling has pinworms and he may eventually show too??? Ive scrubbed his pnp and vacuumed around it just so freaked out that he may be bringing eggs over on his clothes or body somehow. But I cant exactly tell her he can't come just bc I am ocd and paranoid. Any advice???

  • #2
    Once treated it's ok for them to return after 48 hours. Pinworms are more annoying than anything else. It's gross and embarrassing but not harmful...kind of like lice. The cleaning is similar too. Washing and drying with high heat for anything washable and cleaning all other surfaces well.

    ETA: They do need a second dose two weeks later.


    • #3
      We just battled lice last week (just my own girls 6 & 9) so I am trying not to judge or freak out bc gross things happen to everyone but if I can prevent it I'd like to. Im pissed that she sent him Monday and didn't give me a heads up. She calls me early on wkends to let me know he's constipated for heavens sake (like I honestly care!) but cant let me know hes been exposed to a parasite like this really annoys me. I told my husband this is just pushing me closer to letting go of this family. She has been a pain since I started keeping him I just tried to stick it out and tolerate her bc this is a reliable and stable income for me. The fact that we have all been exposed now is has caused me to reach my breaking point. Ive got serious decisions to make now. Do I tell other parents? I keep a small group and they would most likely know its her. I don't want to risk losing anyone else bc that would make me more dependant on the one im considering dropping.


      • #4
        Could you tell her that you are concerned about it spreading so need a doctor's note that he is cleared to come to daycare?



        • #5
          Yes, she said she has no certain this will flair up again and she'll be forced to go see the pediatrician so I may just have to wait it out and clean as if I was already preventing it. Im just so frustrated that ive been put in this situation to begin with. I dont wna offend her by making a big deal of worried if I react strongly now she will start keeping these sorta things from me all together when she sees I put my foot down...I know she told me and not the other daycare bc she sees that im easier to deal with and more relaxed. But this isn't the same as running a fever...this is worms we're talkin about. Im going to see about filling her spot and giving her a 2 wks notice. I see this becoming an issue.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            We just battled lice last week (just my own girls 6 & 9) so I am trying not to judge or freak out bc gross things happen to everyone but if I can prevent it I'd like to. Im pissed that she sent him Monday and didn't give me a heads up. She calls me early on wkends to let me know he's constipated for heavens sake (like I honestly care!) but cant let me know hes been exposed to a parasite like this really annoys me. I told my husband this is just pushing me closer to letting go of this family. She has been a pain since I started keeping him I just tried to stick it out and tolerate her bc this is a reliable and stable income for me. The fact that we have all been exposed now is has caused me to reach my breaking point. Ive got serious decisions to make now. Do I tell other parents? I keep a small group and they would most likely know its her. I don't want to risk losing anyone else bc that would make me more dependant on the one im considering dropping.
            I would definitely tell my other dcp's, and leave out dck's name. In my state, I have to notify the parents of anything communicable that a child has.
            I would hope no one would leave over it. I would just reassure them that you are doing everything you can to prevent anyone from getting them.


            • #7
              If the older sister doesn't attend your daycare and the dcb doesn't have them so far then I don't see what the problem is. You would just need to keep an eye out for symptoms and take clean a little bit more than you normally do. You can't realistically exclude him for 1-2 months just to see if anything shows up, kwim?

              From what you've posted it doesn't sound like you like this family very much. Maybe it's time to just let them go?


              • #8
                Originally posted by craftymissbeth View Post
                If the older sister doesn't attend your daycare and the dcb doesn't have them so far then I don't see what the problem is. You would just need to keep an eye out for symptoms and take clean a little bit more than you normally do. You can't realistically exclude him for 1-2 months just to see if anything shows up, kwim?

                From what you've posted it doesn't sound like you like this family very much. Maybe it's time to just let them go?
                I was thinking the dck had them. I wouldn't say anything until dck has symptoms.


                • #9
                  Gotcha, thanks all.....and you're right. Im not so fond of is high maintenance but predictable and manageable so I've dealt with the obnoxious mom. I think this was just the last straw.

