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  • Hello There!

    New to the forum, FL gal. Worked with kids in my early adult life (18-20), now I am in my late 20's and have recently went back because I loved it so much. Hoping to get some good tips and advice, happy to be here.

  • #2
    Since I'm having some trouble finding out where I need to be directed, I'll place a brief message of why I wanted to join.

    I work for a large early childcare company (not naming names, I want to keep anonymity online) they are well known and pretty well respected. Like I said above, I've worked in child care before, and getting back into it again later in life because I love it.

    However, I am experiencing a large problem. Some of the people I work with have personalities that aren't desirable, ok, fine. What issue I've been running into is over one of my 4 year old guys in the afternoon.

    Backstory: Mom is a very uninvolved parent, DCB prob doesn't get much attention, not a lot of love, no constants, no schedule..things like that. Dad is in and out of the picture, very violent from what mom has shared.

    Issues: I've worked in the center about 6 weeks now and I am their primary care giver in the afternoon. He is explosive. Aggressive, has hit for no reason, unusual responses to simple activities (sensory processing disorder possible) does not listen to me and does not respect class rules and riles the other children up. I've been told time and time again that he is testing me...but that does not help and it's getting us nowhere. I feel there is much more going on and I need some advice to try and help this lil guy out. For some reason the other teachers only want to yell and intimidate him and now that isn't working for them anymore.

    I've found a few forums, but they are for parents it seems, is there someplace I can post more in depth about these issues? I don't want to give up on him and I am tired of being told I am being tested, because I am not and the other children do not test me like they did the first 2 weeks I worked. Thanks guys!


    • #3
      Welcome to the forum. I upgraded your status.

      The forum gets busy during business hours. Tomorrow should bring you some answers. If you need to search for previous threads try the TAG search:

      From reading your post it seems like the other workers are competitive? Are you new to their environment?

      As for the DCB, its providers like you that this profession needs. You obviously seem to care more about this "problem child" then those that brought him into the world. We have some great providers here and I hope they will chime in with some advice tomorrow.
      Last edited by Michael; 12-05-2013, 10:07 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by brittany86 View Post
        New to the forum, FL gal. Worked with kids in my early adult life (18-20), now I am in my late 20's and have recently went back because I loved it so much. Hoping to get some good tips and advice, happy to be here.
        Welcome to the forum!


        • #5
          welcome to the forum!

