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Long Time Lurker, Finally Registered

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  • Long Time Lurker, Finally Registered

    Hi there, long time lurker here!

    I'm Kelsey and I've been running an unlicensed legal daycare in Oregon for almost 2 years now. Through word of mouth, all of the kids I watch are actually the children of acquaintances and friends from high school! It has been working out really well.

    My husband quit his grueling retail management job to make less money somewhere else, so I started watching kids to pay our bills. In the last few months, I realized that if (when?) my husband is able to cover all of our bills, I would still want to do daycare! My a-hah moment led me to begin the intensive licensing process. And led to my decision to finally register on

    I have three kids of my own and watch a total of 7 kids right now, between 2 and 4 a day. (Okay I'm ALMOST legal, hence the licensing.)

    This forum has been so helpful. I am convinced that daycare providers must be some of the best people in the world, from what I've seen here. I hope to add myself to that list!

  • #2
    Welcome to the forum!

    Glad to have you!


    • #3
      Welcome! Glad you decided to register here!


      • #4
        Loved your story. Welcome to the forum.

