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  • New to Forum

    Greetings! My wife runs an in home daycare watching some relatives kids on top of our 3 (4yr and 2 1/2 yr girls n 14 mo old boy). I support her passion and joined the site because I had a particular question about licensing that I already posted in another thread. I also like to research info and learn so I expect my wife and I both will be on here fairly often. I was a forced (unemployed) stay at home dad from the time my son was born until just recently so I also have experience providing childcare-albeit w/ my own. My hats off to those passionate about this essential role in society. It is not easy

  • #2
    Welcome to the forum.


    • #3
      Welcome to the forum!


      • #4
        Originally posted by JMason View Post
        Greetings! My wife runs an in home daycare watching some relatives kids on top of our 3 (4yr and 2 1/2 yr girls n 14 mo old boy). I support her passion and joined the site because I had a particular question about licensing that I already posted in another thread. I also like to research info and learn so I expect my wife and I both will be on here fairly often. I was a forced (unemployed) stay at home dad from the time my son was born until just recently so I also have experience providing childcare-albeit w/ my own. My hats off to those passionate about this essential role in society. It is not easy
        Welcome!! And kudos to you for staying home even if it was forced. It's nice to be in those shoes and get a little perspective isn't it? I know from past experience to be nicer to retail associates and restaurant servers as I have worked as both in my younger years and I learned that some things are harder than you think . Hope to see you both around regularly .

