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New Here :) and a Question

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  • New Here :) and a Question

    Hey everyone -

    I'm new to the site, and semi-new to the daycare business. I worked as an asistant in a home daycare for 6 years, and now I am openin up my own in my own house! Very excited!

    I have a quick question that I'm wondering if any of you can help me out with? I have sent in my licensing application packet last week (Friday), and I'm just wondering a general timeline of things to come - I know I'll have an orientation and then have to complete the registration statement and send that back in ... does anyone know about how long this should take?

    Thanks! I'm looking forward to getting to know you all!

  • #2
    Welcome to the forum!

    As far as a time line for licensing, it is dependent on your state/county. What state are you located in? Perhaps someone from your area can chime in and help you out.


    • #3
      Oh, duh ... thanks ... I'm from Michigan.


      • #4
        Welcome. I know there are several providers from Michigan here. Maybe one of them will have an answer.


        • #5

          Hi I'm new here and I'm from LA


          • #6
            Hi there! I'm from Michigan too!

            After I sent my packet of information in I went to orientation about 4 weeks later & 2 weeks after orientation I had my license. You can probably count on 4-8 weeks (so March/April) for your license.

            I'm 10ish miles NW of Kzoo. Where abouts in MI are you?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Trummynme View Post
              Hi there! I'm from Michigan too!

              After I sent my packet of information in I went to orientation about 4 weeks later & 2 weeks after orientation I had my license. You can probably count on 4-8 weeks (so March/April) for your license.

              I'm 10ish miles NW of Kzoo. Where abouts in MI are you?
              Thanks for the info! Yikes, that's a little longer than I was hoping, but oh well ... I am in Oakland County.


              • #8
                Originally posted by MsLaura529 View Post
                Hey everyone -

                I'm new to the site, and semi-new to the daycare business. I worked as an asistant in a home daycare for 6 years, and now I am openin up my own in my own house! Very excited!

                I have a quick question that I'm wondering if any of you can help me out with? I have sent in my licensing application packet last week (Friday), and I'm just wondering a general timeline of things to come - I know I'll have an orientation and then have to complete the registration statement and send that back in ... does anyone know about how long this should take?

                Thanks! I'm looking forward to getting to know you all!
                Hi! Welcome! I am from MI too and just opened almost 2 weeks ago! It didn't take very long at all to open after everything is sent in. They will send a letter for you to go to an Orientation, I think I got mine about a week after I sent in everything. They only offer the orientation class at certain times so it depends when you will be able to go. Then after you go to orientation, you take the statement home and sign it saying that you comply with licensing and send it in. Then they will send a letter saying that you are approved for your license/registration and will give you your license/registration # and you can open. That only took like a week I believe! Your actual license/registration will come about 1-2 weeks later, but you can still open. Then you have to have an inspection within 90 days. They called me the next week after I got my license! So all in all it took almost a month from the time I sent in the completed paperwork until I opened. It seems long, but it's not. Oh, one more thing....The people from the food program called me before I even knew I was approved! Your name gets put on the State list before you get the letter.

                Sorry, one more thing, the time frames are estimated, I can't remember the actual times, but they are close! What area are you in?
                I'm near Lansing.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by melilley View Post
                  Hi! Welcome! I am from MI too and just opened almost 2 weeks ago! It didn't take very long at all to open after everything is sent in. They will send a letter for you to go to an Orientation, I think I got mine about a week after I sent in everything. They only offer the orientation class at certain times so it depends when you will be able to go. Then after you go to orientation, you take the statement home and sign it saying that you comply with licensing and send it in. Then they will send a letter saying that you are approved for your license/registration and will give you your license/registration # and you can open. That only took like a week I believe! Your actual license/registration will come about 1-2 weeks later, but you can still open. Then you have to have an inspection within 90 days. They called me the next week after I got my license! So all in all it took almost a month from the time I sent in the completed paperwork until I opened. It seems long, but it's not. Oh, one more thing....The people from the food program called me before I even knew I was approved! Your name gets put on the State list before you get the letter.

                  Sorry, one more thing, the time frames are estimated, I can't remember the actual times, but they are close! What area are you in?
                  I'm near Lansing.
                  Wow! Thanks ... that's a little bit of a better/quicker outlook, haha. I guess we'll see ... I'm just so anxious to get this started! I am in Oakland County. How is your daycare going for you?

                  Another question ... what should I expect from the orientation? Do you get materials or what is it about really? I'm just a planner, so I kind of like to know what I'm going into before I go.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MsLaura529 View Post
                    Wow! Thanks ... that's a little bit of a better/quicker outlook, haha. I guess we'll see ... I'm just so anxious to get this started! I am in Oakland County. How is your daycare going for you?

                    Another question ... what should I expect from the orientation? Do you get materials or what is it about really? I'm just a planner, so I kind of like to know what I'm going into before I go.
                    At orientation they just go through the Licensing rule book and clarify some of the rules. They also give you a packet of informational materials like a flier on nutritional snack ideas, safe sleep, etc.. We also watched a video on shaken baby syndrome and safe sleep which counts towards the training for that. And you also get forms that you will use, most of which you can download on the dhs website and a bunch of Licensing rule books to give to parents. We also did an exercise on Ratios and Capacity. Are you going to be licensed for 6 or group care-12?
                    Well my daycare is going slow. I don't have any kids yet, but have gotten a lot of calls, mostly for part time. I know it takes time though, it's just frustrating waiting!

