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New Home Childcare

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  • New Home Childcare

    I am super excited to be starting a home childcare business after many years in the corporate world. I had my first client interview this past week and it went well.
    The mom stayed for about 2 hours, which was fine because I don't have any children yet. I am concerned though that when I do get going and have children how do I curb the time the parent stays with us while they are interviewing/observing us?
    I think her stay would have been very disruptive if other children were present.

    Thank you

  • #2
    Welcome to the forum!

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    • #3
      Welcome!! I only do interviews after hours or on the weekends. It would be just to crazy (to me anyway) trying to interview while all the kids were here. If they then want to come by for a short visit during hours after the first interview I would do that. Good Luck!!


      • #4
        This is me too! A short visit to observe is fine. My meeting to sit down and go over policies would NEVER work with kids here!


        • #5
          Thank you for the suggestion for interviewing after hours. I also wanted to let you all know that the mom enrolled her two boys. She does not have a job yet but is doing part time care one day a week to hold a part time spot until she gets full time employment.

          I am excited!!!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by HomeMADE View Post
            Thank you for the suggestion for interviewing after hours. I also wanted to let you all know that the mom enrolled her two boys. She does not have a job yet but is doing part time care one day a week to hold a part time spot until she gets full time employment.

            I am excited!!!!!
            congrats on your first clients..

            here is what has worked for me.....the first interview I ask the DCP to attend with the child after hours. Usually I will have it set at 6pm right after my closing.

            this give me the ability to give them my undivided attention and answer any questions they may have. there is a lot to cover and I never want to send them away without their questions being answered.

            I give the interview a good hour. I get a good feel for the parent and child and see if they will be a good fit for my program. If I think they would work out well, I then give them my PHB (parent hand book)

            I will then shoot them off an email thanking them for stopping by and letting them know the necessary steps to move forward should they wish to enroll.

            In the email i send them, I tell them if they did not get all of their questions answered during the interview, to please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns.

            some parents will ask if they can come view my program and I am 100% ok with this. I only allow for them to come for circle time and it must be a day when my assistant is present. I don't want to have to go to the bathroom and leave any child with a parent I don't know...or something like this.......

            here are the steps.

            1. phone interview, get all the details making sure you can accommodate each other. meaning days and hours needed will work for you. Along with the age of the child and other very crucial information.

            2. If the phone interview went well, I then schedule what I call an interview/tour. these are by appt only.

            3. if the phone interview did not go well, I say I am really sorry, but unfortunately I do not have an opening for that schedule or _____________at this time. I would love to give you the number to resource and referral and wish them the best.

            The move on from there.....

            I know that others on here also have some great advice. Consider youself lucky that you found this site while you are just starting out. I wish I had


            • #7
              Welcome to the forum!! Congrats on your new enrollments!!happyface I interview after hours as well, I do allow for parent and child to come by for a short period of time during circle time


              • #8
                Originally posted by daycare View Post
                congrats on your first clients..

                here is what has worked for me.....the first interview I ask the DCP to attend with the child after hours. Usually I will have it set at 6pm right after my closing.

                this give me the ability to give them my undivided attention and answer any questions they may have. there is a lot to cover and I never want to send them away without their questions being answered.

                I give the interview a good hour. I get a good feel for the parent and child and see if they will be a good fit for my program. If I think they would work out well, I then give them my PHB (parent hand book)

                I will then shoot them off an email thanking them for stopping by and letting them know the necessary steps to move forward should they wish to enroll.

                In the email i send them, I tell them if they did not get all of their questions answered during the interview, to please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns.

                some parents will ask if they can come view my program and I am 100% ok with this. I only allow for them to come for circle time and it must be a day when my assistant is present. I don't want to have to go to the bathroom and leave any child with a parent I don't know...or something like this.......

                here are the steps.

                1. phone interview, get all the details making sure you can accommodate each other. meaning days and hours needed will work for you. Along with the age of the child and other very crucial information.

                2. If the phone interview went well, I then schedule what I call an interview/tour. these are by appt only.

                3. if the phone interview did not go well, I say I am really sorry, but unfortunately I do not have an opening for that schedule or _____________at this time. I would love to give you the number to resource and referral and wish them the best.

                The move on from there.....

                I know that others on here also have some great advice. Consider youself lucky that you found this site while you are just starting out. I wish I had
                This info will be very useful to me, too. I have a few more questions though:

                What information do you get from them from other than scheduling on the phone interview? When do you get info like their e-mail address, etc. Do you have a list of questions set for the phone interview or a short form that they fill out on the tour?

