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Moving to Seattle Area

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  • Moving to Seattle Area

    Hi everybody, my name is Stacy I look forward to meeting you all.
    Im a wife and a mother of a 14 month old. I love being a mother so much and being around children, that I left my 9-5 job to stay home with my son and watch some other children. I was lucky enough to watch a family of 4 children to keep me busy throughout these last few months. Though sometimes I wonder to myself if I made the right career move, but iIm so much happier when Im around children.
    I currently live in Columbus Ohio, but its always been planned to move back to Seattle where I grew up. My husband is seeking a job out there as an engineer, and I plan to further my daycare business with me within the year.
    My husband is very supportive of my goals of starting in home care there, and eventually grow to a daycare. We know it is a learning process getting to know the business side of things, but it will be adventurous and very fulfilling for my family.
    Cheers to all

  • #2
    Welcome to the Forum! I've upgraded your status. You can post freely now.


    • #3
      Hi Welcome! I think we are twins.... I too quit working to start my own fcc after my son was born. I also love being a mom, not that others don't, but I love it! I am getting my license to do home care hopefully in the next week or so (I can only have 6 including my baby right now), but my goal is to eventually open a group home or small home like center. I agree, it is a learning process getting to know the business side of things! This forum and the people on here are great! Usually when you have a question, concern, or anything really, someone has an answer or will give advice. Anyways, good luck!


      • #4

        An early welcome to Washington.

        Know this first: you must be licensed by DEL (Dept. of Early Learning) in Washington. Even if you care for only one child in your home. There are stiff penalties for not doing so.

        Know this second: WA is leading the way for making it hard for professional child care providers. Look at the 92 pages of rules before you make the decision. and the 26 pages of FAQ here

        Good luck.

