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Strong Willed Two Year Old..

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  • Strong Willed Two Year Old..

    Hi---This is my first post..I have a home daycare and have done it for sixteen years. In all my years in childcare or in teaching I have never met a child like the little girl I have now. I have known her family for years and had her brother in my daycare, so there is a bond between us , which makes it much harder. This little girl is very strong willed--and"Time outs" are not working. She beats on my computer and when I bring her away, she gives me a drop dead look and goes back. She so overwhelms her parents that they let her get away with alot just so they don't have to endure her screaming, so I feel like everything I do is undone at home. She bites, hits and pushes the other children. Her behaviour is horrid and the other children are starting to copy it. This little girl moves on to preschool in June, but that seems so far away. I have run out of ideas for discipline because so little works--but I need to have ideas of what I can do. She is a cute little girl, and I love her----but am a loss to know how to handle her. Ideas??? Arlene

  • #2
    Seriously, if she cannot be trusted around the other kids, then she needs to play by herself. This child needs to learn she is not in charge.

    The other option is to term and make it the parents problem. Good luck to them keeping her in any preschool with that behavior. Some kids are tough, but they have to conform to certain rules. Not hurting others is big one.

