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  • Introduction

    Hello All!

    Since there is an introduction section I figured why not. My name is Taylor, I'm almost 23, and I'm living in Nebraska. I stumbled across this forum on my search to find out more information on establishing a licensed in-home daycare. I'm very, very new to the idea and won't even be considering opening a daycare until 10-11 months from now (at least), I'm just trying to get a jump on things. The idea to open an in-home daycare came from my husband. We could potentially be expecting our first child (right time of the month, ovulation sypmtoms, etc, etc) and we were discussing what our plans will be income-wise when we do have a child. I grew up in an in-home daycare and have always liked the idea of staying home with my kids. I currently have two part time jobs that work very well with each other. In an ideal world I would quit both jobs and stay at home once a child is born. However...the world isn't ideal. We were trying to figure out which job I would keep due to better hours, pay, enjoyment, etc. Well this morning, my husband goes..."I have a crazy/interesting idea of what we could do once a baby is born." I indulged him. It was entirely his idea for he and I do open an in-home daycare center together. Now...let me give you more info before you go..."WHAAAAAA......T??" I have my bachelor's in social work, my husband has his bachelor's in pyschology. I have worked in daycares in the past and enjoyed here's the kicker...In December, my husband will be celebrating 8 years of working in child care. He has been at the same center, full time, for the last 5. He's qualified to run the place himself...I'm just a bonus So, we're looking into the specifics, ups, downs, insurance policies...etc, etc to see if it's feasable and what it all entails.

    So....that was the longest intro EVER! Glad to be here.

  • #2
    Welcome to the Forum! I've upgraded your status. You can post freely now.

    Some great info here on starting a daycare:
    Last edited by Michael; 10-09-2012, 04:16 PM.


    • #3
      The first thing I would do is check your state regulations on how many kids you can have in care with 2 providers versus one and then I would call other providers and your local Child Care Resource and Referral agency to get pricing. When you call the other providers it's always nice to be up front and tell them you aren't looking for daycare you are looking to start one when you ask about pricing, policies and their program but you will have some providers who will lie (say their prices are higher/lower) or just plain hang up on you.
      I've tried to do it the honest way in my area and I've also tried to just call providers and ask about their prices/programs (paid days off, sick days, what they offer, etc.) without saying I'm a provider (I never set up an appointment to meet and always made the call as quick as possible but it felt horrible). Sadly the latter worked better. I always answer honestly when other providers call me and am happy to share as I think that we all offer different things so we should help not hinder others in this profession. There is a lady in our town that charges $5.00 an hour, most charge half that but she's full.
      Anyway, you may find that with state regulations and prices in the area that it would be better for just one of you to do daycare and the other to keep their job. After that you just have to figure out your program and policies. There are a lot of great threads and providers on here to help you regarding these issues.

