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Need Advice

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  • Need Advice

    Hey all, I run a family childcare and enjoy what I do. I have two children of my own and feel incredilby blessed to be able to work form home and do what I love. I have been in daycare for nine yrs, this is my second year doing family childcare. That being said I have a child in my care who is 11 months old in my care and this child is extremely difficult. Cute as all get out but cries and cries and cries all day long (in my care for 10 hrs. 5 days a week.) The child also doesnt nap. I have tried everything from a bouncy seat to leaving him on his back to sitting with him leaving him, rocking him. I have never had this much difficulty putting a child to sleep before in my nine yrs at this. The only time he is not crying is when I am holding him, the second I put him down to help another child or even just move to another part of the same room he screams and screams. This is not an exageration. Its disrupting the day of course and by the time the kid leaves iam so completely frazzled and worn down. He's been in my care for almost six months now. Do i say goodbye to him and if so whats the best thing to say to mom. I have tried to tell her about the crying in the past but it did nothing at all. I figured this is the best place to ask fellow childcare providers! Oh and P.S. Mom drops him off every morning again no exaggeration here with a poop diaper. Am I the only one who feels like thats rude? Thanks in advance for your time guys, I look forward to hearing from you!

  • #2
    I agree with dropping the child off with a poopy diaper. If it happened once in a while I wouldn't be upset but every day would be pretty rude. That said, maybe the little one poops on the car ride over every day. All of my dk poop at about the same time mon-fri, of course one goes it about 5 minutes before pick up. Lol.
    As far as your crier I would talk to mom, there is a good chance she never puts the child down at home. If that's not the case then the child needs to go somewhere else because it sounds like you've tried everything.


    • #3
      Sorry to hear about this. I have dealt with it before.

      My best suggestion is to send a notice home with a little questionnaire asking how his temperament is at home. Whether he is held a lot, or allowed to be independent. Advise parents that you will allow XX amount of time for the child to adjust, and if there is no improvement the child will be let go.
      Do not hold him all the time. Allow him to cry and he will figure it out eventually. Stay close by so he feels safe, and slowly start leaving more space between you and him. But still where he knows he is safe.


      • #4
        Originally posted by jlaba825 View Post
        Hey all, I run a family childcare and enjoy what I do. I have two children of my own and feel incredilby blessed to be able to work form home and do what I love. I have been in daycare for nine yrs, this is my second year doing family childcare. That being said I have a child in my care who is 11 months old in my care and this child is extremely difficult. Cute as all get out but cries and cries and cries all day long (in my care for 10 hrs. 5 days a week.) The child also doesnt nap. I have tried everything from a bouncy seat to leaving him on his back to sitting with him leaving him, rocking him. I have never had this much difficulty putting a child to sleep before in my nine yrs at this. The only time he is not crying is when I am holding him, the second I put him down to help another child or even just move to another part of the same room he screams and screams. This is not an exageration. Its disrupting the day of course and by the time the kid leaves iam so completely frazzled and worn down. He's been in my care for almost six months now. Do i say goodbye to him and if so whats the best thing to say to mom. I have tried to tell her about the crying in the past but it did nothing at all. I figured this is the best place to ask fellow childcare providers! Oh and P.S. Mom drops him off every morning again no exaggeration here with a poop diaper. Am I the only one who feels like thats rude? Thanks in advance for your time guys, I look forward to hearing from you!
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        • #5

          Hi. I have been in this same situation before. I tried everything from bouncers to swings, etc. at first I thought the child was callic but then I read up on the symptoms and she wasn't doing them all. Finally I bought baby food and fed her some extra food and it worked. It was my last resort or I was gonna talk to the mom so I'm glad it worked! I tried telling the mom prior and after and even tried asking what her food schedule at home was but of course no help. As far as the poop diaper, your a caregiver and stuff like this happens. It is rude that the mother does that but with a job like ours we have to deal with it. I don't know if this eating will help. It could also be teething so you might need to try ice teeth chews or pads. Hope everything works out.

