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Introducing Myself!

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  • Introducing Myself!

    Holy martha am I glad I found this site! I wish I'd have known it was around sooner!

    I am very new to doing daycare. After spending much of my early childhood in a daycare center that treated me horribly (up to and including mental and physical abuse) I always vowed to not ever subject my kids to the same. I became a stay at home mom in 2003 with the birth of my daughter and then had a son in 2004. I started doing foster care since 2006 and started up my licensed home daycare in 2009 with the hope of helping kids that had endured some of what I had and to keep others from ever experiencing such things. After finding a phenomenal first set of families on the daycare side I ended up moving and had to start completely over. I'm not sure if it's the area or just my luck or what but the parents and kids I've had up here have been an absolute NIGHTMARE. I am beyond frustrated and saddened, some days seriously leave me wanting to throw in the towel altogether. This is not what I had envisioned subjecting my family to at all.

    As I've snooped around the forum I've seen a lot of what I've been encountering right here on the boards. I cannot tell you what a relief it was to see I'm not alone!

    I look forward to gaining more insight into better handling with I've been struggling with and hopefully with more time and experience I'll be able to help others in return.

    I'm not sure who came up with this site but kudos to you.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone!

  • #2
    Welcome to the forum!

    Your status has been upgraded so you can post freely now


    • #3
      Me too, welcome.


      • #4
        Welcome Willow,

        Hope you find help on the board.
        Not Clueless anymore


        • #5
          Welcome from a fellow Minnesotan I'm West Central - where abouts in the state are you located?

