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Unruly Child

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  • Unruly Child

    I care for a 5 year old who has ADHD and is terrible! When I try to correct him for something he is doing wrong he tells me to just tell his mom so she can spank him and to leave him alone. What would you do in this situation?

  • #2
    Welcome to the Forum! I've upgraded your status. You can post freely now. Please check back in the morning for members to answer your question.


    • #3
      Hello & Welcome! I am also new here & I am not takin care of kids at the moment but this question made me think if it were me takin care of that child what I would do & I would have a talk with the mother and let her know if the child were to keep acting out and wont listen to me then I would no longer be able 2 care for her child


      • #4
        ADHD kids can be challenging. Perhaps it is time to consider that your daycare is not the best place for him. There is no magic cure that we can give you that will solve these issues so if it is not something you can handle on your hand, just admit that and give him and his parents and opportunity to find a better fit for him.


        • #5
          Not sure if you care for other kids as well, but I agree that you should talk to his mom before some of the other kids possibly get hurt by him or cross his warpath. Doesn't sound like the "spankings" are helping much.


          • #6
            I would definitely come up with an action plan with his mom. Have you tried creative forms of punishment? Sometimes traditional timeouts and spankings (that he gets at home) just don't work. Taking away priveleges, or a toy that he really likes to play with is a good place to start. Try to think of punishments that fit the infraction. I once had a daycare boy start to put his boogars on my walls. Once I found the nasty dried up crud all over my wall, I gave him a bowl of soapy water and a washcloth and made him wash it. I made him go over and over the wall until every last one of those nasty boogars was gone! And trust me, this wasn't easy for him b/c they were dried and caked on the wall!


            • #7
              Originally posted by janacgordon View Post
              I care for a 5 year old who has ADHD and is terrible! When I try to correct him for something he is doing wrong he tells me to just tell his mom so she can spank him and to leave him alone. What would you do in this situation?
              Clever little dude! Please tell us what exactly he is doing that is terrible. Your statement is way too broad for us to give you good advice.


              • #8
                Originally posted by janacgordon View Post
                I care for a 5 year old who has ADHD and is terrible! When I try to correct him for something he is doing wrong he tells me to just tell his mom so she can spank him and to leave him alone. What would you do in this situation?
                I have worked with MANY children that were ADD< ADHD and some that were not diganosed, but I know that they were.

                The only thing that I can tell you is to keep this child NON stop busy. Don't give them time to get into trouble.

                I used to have a million things lined up for my ADD/ADHD kids. TONS of stuff.

                Anything that you can think of to keep him busy, just keep doing it.

                At his age he can...
                crayons, color books for quiet time

                If he is hyper, get large empty boxes, let him fill them and then move them, puch them carry them or stack them. Best to stack when empty.

                NOt sure if you like video games, but we have the xbox Kinect and I would make the guy do the dance game from time to time when he was hyper.

                Basically anything that requires movement will help keep him in check....

                Patience is golden with these kids.

                I would ignore the kid when he says silly stuff like that. DOnt give him time of day. Change the subject.


                • #9
                  Hi There. I know that children with ADHD can really be challenging at times, but what I always try to remember is that these children struggle with skill deficits- some skills just don't come as easily for them as it does for other children. These children don't *want* to be this way- their mind is just wired differently. We have to go inside of their world and meet them there: ) I agree to keep him active- that's important. Children with ADHD just can't sit quietly for long periods of time. Also, have you considered implementing an incentive program? I work with childcare providers who care for children who have ADHD doing just that- implementing behavioral programs (God gave me the vision and I'm especially dedicated to it since my child struggles with hyperactivity himself.) Punishment is not always the answer- if we want to teach a person new skills- we want to focus on rewarding that skill and not focus as much on what we don't want to see. If you just punish him for what he's doing, then he doesn't learn the more appropriate behavior and even worse behavior may occur. I see this was posted some time ago- how are things going now?

