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Biting .... I Need Advice!

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  • Biting .... I Need Advice!

    i have a kid in my class that has a terrible time with biting, there are times where she goes for weeks where she doesn't bite at all, then its like she relapse and is back to biting, last week in one day she bit 3 children in matter of about 2 hours,i have talked to her mom about this more times then i can count, what i usually do when she bites is i talk to the kid who got bit first check them out then i sit her in time out for 2 mins since she is 2 according to her age, then i talk to her about how biting hurts and its not nice. i don't know if she is doing it for attention or what, but i was wondering does anyone have any advice? other kids parents are getting angry and upset that this keeps being an issue. what are the policies at your daycare when a child bites? i might add in the past when she was in the one year old room she had issues with biting and they had a the parent and teacher come in for a meeting to talk about the problem, that doesnt seem to have helped... anyway I could really use some advice!! :confused:

  • #2
    I had a biter but she only bit her brother so it was never an issue with the other parents, and her parents were aware of the problenm bc she did it at home too. Every time she bit I would tell her that it hurt her brother and that she would have to go into a time out. I kept telling her that if there was a problem or toy that she wanted to get my first, and that biting is not acceptable. Eventually, she got it, and now she gets me instead of biting. We had a good 4 months of it though, at least 1 time a week.


    • #3
      Here is a rather lengthy thread about biting. Hopefully, you can find some helpful info in it.

      I am very concerned about a situation at a licensed daycare center. What is the policy on handling a child who is biting other children multiple times daily? The child I am concerned about has been bitten multiple times daily, breaking the skin and bruising on 9 days in a short period of time by the same child. He is not the

