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Thanksgiving Feast

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  • Thanksgiving Feast

    Hi everyone I am new here first time posting ....I love this site i get so many ideas. Is anyone else having a Thanksgiving feast next week? Are you providing the food or do you ask the parents to bring some thing in? I decided i would just prepare every thing looking forward to it the kiddies are going to love it!

  • #2
    Welcome to the forum! Absolutely having a feast.


    • #3
      I wish....believe this one.....I have NO KIDS next week at all......I am actually sad.......


      • #4
        We've had it in the past - only give about a teaspoon of each thing to each child - they can always ask for more of something. There is a lot of waste because a lot of the kadiddles only like junk food.

        We've changed ours over to a Thanksgiving breakfast and it goes over much better. We have pancakes, scrambled eggs, turkey sausage, mini hash browns, fruit and possibly muffins if my memory serves. 2 adults are also invited (parents/grandparents, etc.) and they eat with their child. The Teachers cook and put out the buffet. The children sang afterwards a few Thanksgiving songs. We had about 90 attend last year. We got big from everyone so this year it's a repeat.


        • #5
          Yeah the darling wife will be home the day before on WED. So we get to have a family meal before i head to my night job. Going to be feasting! So glad my kids can all feed themselves
          "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
          Acts 13:22

