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Newbie!! License on the Way!!

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  • Newbie!! License on the Way!!

    And I'm becoming more nervous by the day.

    I'm in the city of Chicago and we are required to be inspected by the Cook County Fire Marshall and I passed.

    I thought I had everything figured out but now that my license is enroute, I drew a blank. I have to advertise.................I thought about it but I didn't think about it. I was just chasing my dream. I planned everything carefully but I forgot this part.

    How did you all go about getting customers? What advertising tactics did you use? Did you all use local schools? In what places did you take flyers? Where did you go for flyers? Cards?

    I have a ton of questions...... Pwease help me....I'm excited, anxious, scared.....and rambling::

  • #2
    Welcome to the Forum! I've upgraded your status. You can post freely now.


    • #3
      Thank you kindly!!!


      • #4
        Welcome and congrats! I have found the best advertising is to make a website (try and get a window decal for the back of your car. Also magnets for the side of your car. Someone on the forum bought some cheap books and took them to pediatrician and write on the inside "compliments of _____ Daycare. Some here use craigslist, I'm not a fan....creepy replies sometimes. Real estate signs by elementary schools could work, but only if your city allows them. Just a hint- don't waste your money on newspaper ads-USELESS and expensive. Good luck!! Have fun!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Sugar Magnolia View Post
          Welcome and congrats! I have found the best advertising is to make a website (try and get a window decal for the back of your car. Also magnets for the side of your car. Someone on the forum bought some cheap books and took them to pediatrician and write on the inside "compliments of _____ Daycare. Some here use craigslist, I'm not a fan....creepy replies sometimes. Real estate signs by elementary schools could work, but only if your city allows them. Just a hint- don't waste your money on newspaper ads-USELESS and expensive. Good luck!! Have fun!!
          Thank you, thank you, and thank you again. I'm on the site and it looks fun!!! I appreciate the suggestions. I'll be looking into them.


          • #6
            I'm not sure how it works there, but where I am in Canada, as soon as you're licensed, you get a waiting list of ALOT of people waiting for licensed daycares. You get to go through them, and look at the ages of the kids and whether they are looking for fulltime or partime, and you call them and let them know you have openings. And if anyone calls saying they are looking for someone in such and such an area, they refer them to you.

            Congrats on the license! I just got officially approved yesterday, my license is in the mail too, and I open my doors Monday!


            • #7
              Congrats! I have car door magnets (will prolly be doing a decal for my back window too thanks to anprevious response), website, Facebook page. I also paid for the last month to be the only provider listed on a daycare website for this state but haven't gotten one call through that sight so will be canceling it soon. I have advertised on craigslist and gotten mostnof my calls from there.

              I have also done a booth at a local craft fair and participated in out towns trunk or treat. I put business cards anywhere I notice I can, put flyers anywhere there is a board that let's people put stuff up. I got a large yard sign for out by the road and a couple smaller ones to put near the grocery store and in town.


              • #8
                Originally posted by dEHmom View Post
                I'm not sure how it works there, but where I am in Canada, as soon as you're licensed, you get a waiting list of ALOT of people waiting for licensed daycares. You get to go through them, and look at the ages of the kids and whether they are looking for fulltime or partime, and you call them and let them know you have openings. And if anyone calls saying they are looking for someone in such and such an area, they refer them to you.

                Congrats on the license! I just got officially approved yesterday, my license is in the mail too, and I open my doors Monday!
                I really don't think we have that type of service in Illinois. That sounds great. We do have the child care referrals where we can register to be on a list. Parents looking for childcare in certain areas can request the list based on zipcode, area.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by beachgrl View Post
                  Congrats! I have car door magnets (will prolly be doing a decal for my back window too thanks to anprevious response), website, Facebook page. I also paid for the last month to be the only provider listed on a daycare website for this state but haven't gotten one call through that sight so will be canceling it soon. I have advertised on craigslist and gotten mostnof my calls from there.

                  I have also done a booth at a local craft fair and participated in out towns trunk or treat. I put business cards anywhere I notice I can, put flyers anywhere there is a board that let's people put stuff up. I got a large yard sign for out by the road and a couple smaller ones to put near the grocery store and in town.
                  Thank you!!!

                  I need to look into the car magnets. Can you believe I'm still waiting on them to send my license? I'm unable to operate my daycare until the physical license is in hand. I'm so ready to do this...


                  • #10
                    I now have my license

                    I received it right before Christmas. What a great Christmas present, right?happyfacehappyfacehappyface


                    • #11
                      Congratulations and good luck! This job is a different adventure everyday!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                        Congratulations and good luck! This job is a different adventure everyday!
                        Thank you Blackcat. I'm so ready for the adventure. I read the stories provided on here and I'm elated. happyfacehappyface


                        • #13
                          I print out my fliers myself but a found a great place called vista print online. And you can get everything for magnets to stationary and business cards and yard signs I put in an order and I get emails often for free items I just have to pay shipping. Good luck.


                          • #14
                            JayChanel, how long did it take from the moment you turned in your app to DCFS for them to assign a rep to you?

                            Try leaving some fliers at your local church. Have you told anyone yet? Tell as many people as you can, word of mouth spreads quick


                            • #15
                              When I first submitted the form to request additional information they sent me the application and included was a cover letter telling me who my rep was and to contact her with any concerns.

                              I've told tons of people.

